






Nanta (Korean: 난타) is a popular South Korean musical. It premiered in October 1997 in Hoam Art Hall in Seoul.乱打(韩文난타),中文译为“乱打秀”,是韩国最有名气的演出之一。1997年10月在湖岩艺术院登台,乱打将韩国征服,The musical has a simple back story of three cooks attempting to finish preparing a wedding banquet within a strict time limit while the manager installs his incompetent nephew among the kitchen staff. The show involves acrobatics, magic tricks, comedy, pantomime and audience participation. The unifying element throughout the musical is the use of traditional Korean samul nori music, which in this case in performed with improvised instruments, such as cutting boards, water canisters and kitchen knives. The performance is almost completely non-verbal. The very few words which are spoken are in English.乱打秀是以一场婚宴为背景,三位厨师正在忙着准备晚宴时,经理将自己的侄子带进了厨房,让三位厨师教他做菜。距离晚宴只有一个小时的时间了,三位厨师自然是把这个新人看做一个大麻烦,对他很不友好。这四位性格迥异,极具个性的年轻人聚在一起,他们之间会发生哪些有趣的事呢?他们又能否在规定的时间内完成任务呢?大型厨房为舞台,通过4名炊事员为结婚宴做菜的过程,利用捶打厨房(盆、勺、碟等)内容构成的。整场秀几乎没有台词,而是以道具最原始的声音的爆发力,强烈的节奏感和舞动,带给观众视觉和听觉另一种享受。 Nanta is the longest-running show in Korean history. The musical made its international debut at the 1999 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, where it received an award for best performance. Since then it has been staged in 18 countries around the world. Nanta opened off Broadway in New York City in 2004 and ended its run in August 2005.乱打是韩国艺术史上演出寿命最长的一个舞台秀。1999年,在爱丁堡边缘艺术节上得到最高分之后,又在其他18个国家地区成功地进行了海外演出,最终进驻到纽约百老汇,并成为亚洲国家中第一个能进行1年半的长期演出的演出剧目。



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