主要说粤语和闽南语, 英文说得也不少(当然是新加坡式英语, 比如long time no see). 另外还有马来语.下面这首最近在新加坡很流行的歌就很能说明问题:这是当地人Hossan Leong创作并用用典型的新加坡式英语(Singlish),夹杂马来语、福建话、广东话,内容上既包括新加坡(Singapura马来语的Singapore)的由来、历史发展、政治沿革,也有一些名人趣事、社会现象、时事热点。
毫不夸张地说,精炼地浓缩了新加坡开埠一百多年的历史。懂得的人,听了能会心一笑。We Live in Singapura( by Hossan Leong)Sang Nila, Utama(传说中的统治者山尼拉乌他玛,来到新加坡,看到一头动物,说是狮子,于是为此小岛取名Singapura ,即是狮城的来历)Saw a lion, alamak(alamak 是马来词,表示“天呀”惊讶的意思)Name the village Singapura, then run very far Years later, ang mor came(ang mor 是闽南话的红毛鬼佬,就是老外。)Stamford Raffles was his name (1819年史丹福·莱佛士登陆新加坡)Posed for statues very nice, we kenna colonize (现在新加坡河边莱佛士登陆处有他摆Pose的雕像/kenna 是马来词,“被”的意思,被殖民) (instru)Singapura very strongBig guns all, pointing wrongJapanese, came on bikes, invade us from our backside(1942年日本军占领新,英军溃退,日据三年。“Big guns all, pointing wrong”英军当时判断错误,把大炮都部署在南部圣陶沙岛了,结果日军是从北边马来西亚方向骑脚车来的,invade us from our backside好大的嘲讽!) War is over, ang mor backSingaporeans no respectCommies come, make a fuss, Singapore independance!(二战结束,英军又回来了,新加坡人打从心底瞧不起他们了,后来***也来了,红红火火闹了一阵,独立了) CHORUSI live in SingapuraIt’s not perfect livingBut at least it’s interestingI live in SingapuraThough it’s kind of crazyWe win other country David Marshall, Lim Yew Hock(新加坡争取独立自治,马绍尔1955年成为第一位首席部长, 林有福1956年任第二任)National Anthem starts to rockYusof Ishak the big man, guess who’s PM (1965年新加坡脱离马独立,尤索夫出任第一位总统, PM就是开国总理李光耀) Malaysia say, come join meTwo of us be same countryThen not happy, Then make PM cry (1962年新与马合并,但闹得不愉快,1965年宣布脱离,李光耀当众哭了) PM Lee lead countryBuild jurong and HDB(Jurong 裕廊工业岛,HDB 即Housing Development Board 建屋发展局,用以代指该局盖的组屋,居者有其屋政策是新加坡的施政亮点)Made the country clean and green, (花园城市由此clean and green行动而得来。) opposition cannot winJB Jeya no more funds,(JB Jeya 反对党领袖,破产了)Chee Soon Juan won’t eat his bunsLim How Doong, what a goon, ‘Don’t talk cock’ in parliament (这几个都是反对党领袖,很惨的啦;goon是笨蛋的意思) CHORUSI live in SingapuraIt’s not perfect livingBut at least it’s interestingI live in SingapuraThough its kind of crazyWe win other country Kick out from Malaysia CupMichael Faye pain in the butt(Michael Faye 因涂鸦而被新加坡施以鞭刑的美国人)S-League, Tea Dancing, Ah Bengs love Modern Talking(Ah Bengs 阿明们,泛指年青人) McDonalds Hello KittyEveryone drink Bubble teaCrushing cockroach Margaret Chan, James Lye is VR Man(90年代一个很有名的英语电视连续剧的形象,VRman) (instru)Reclaimation, Tuas Causeway (填海,大士长堤)Malaysian water buay ho sei(与大马谈不拢供水问题, buay ho sei 闽南话谈不拢)Mahathir’s friend Datuk Anwar, Mahathir says he’s chow Ah Qua(马哈蒂尔骂安华是chow Ah Qua 臭阿官,闽南话,人妖) NDP, aunties rush(NDP National Day Parade 国庆日游行)Everyone it’s fun to flushBubble gums are all banned, (新加坡是禁口香糖的啦)ask your friends buy from thailandCHORUSI live in SingapuraIt’s not perfect livingBut at least it’s interestingI live in SingapuraThough its kind of crazyWe win other country Driving car, not funnyBid on cars with C-O-E(COE 拥车证,买车要另花1万多新元买COE)E-R-P, Road Tax, PARF until I want to barf(ERP 电子收费闸门) Why IR our locals have to pay(IR Integrated Resort 将于2009年建成的综合度假胜地,含赌场,新加坡2005年宣布对赌场开禁,但为防国人嗜赌,宣布国人到时要进赌场收费更高)Foreign talent are okayHousing estate upgradeby contractors who go pok kai (pok kai 广东话骂人的,在这里指破产) IMF must follow smile more (去年9月世行年会在新举行,新要求用400万笑脸迎客)Want to protest, go indoors(新加坡出奇招,让抗议者只能在一小块规定的室内地点抗议)M-R-T not so fastNewater they laugh at us(新加坡new water再生水技术很好的哦。在国际会议会场新加坡会不失时机地摆上瓶装的new water,我喝过,与矿泉水味道一样。) I live in SingapuraIt’s not perfect livingBut at least it’s in-terestingI live in SingapuraThough its kind of crazyWe win other country Baby bonus, maid levy(新鼓励生小孩,生越多,婴儿花红越多哦;雇保姆要交费)Singtel Shares give out for free(全民持有新电讯的股票,李显龙他弟李显扬是新电信的头,不过宣布今年辞职了)Jack Neo, Kit Chan, sexy pastor Ho Yeow Sun Beckham parties with modelsHas affair but no one knows(几个娱乐名人啦,梁志强、陈洁仪、何耀珊。据传贝克汉姆有个一夜情的名模是在新加坡派对上认识搞上的)S-league, go world cup, can come true if they don’t suck Mahathir then Abdullah(马哈蒂尔下台后,阿都拉上了台,新马关系还是不咋地)Bar top dancing at the barsBudget airlines start to pa (ie fight)(新马真是一对冤家,在廉价航空领域也对干了起来) Stop speaking Singlish lah (不单提倡说正确英语,还提倡“华语cool”,吸引年轻人掌握华语,才好把握中国大市场的商机。) Gay is okay says PMSM Lee becomes MMPM Lee the same name, here we go all over again.(1990年李光耀从总理位上退下来当了SM Senior Minister 内阁资政,由吴作栋接任总理。2004年吴作栋把总理位子让给李显龙,吴当了SM。李光耀就改当了MM,Minister Mentor, “部长的导师”哈哈,新加坡创造的啦,中文也翻译成内阁资政。而李显龙是又一个PM Lee啦。) WE LIVE IN SINGAPURA!