大学阶段的official成绩单。2,500字的意向陈述,重点还是为什么选特定的专业,为什么转学;展望未来。3,托福成绩要的,最低79分。4,一般转的都是General 必修课程以及特别的专业课程,其他看跟学校争取吧,能否转特定的课程学分以及能转多少其实是录取后的事情了。5,关于作品的准备:15-20 images submitted via Slideroom or a Film Reel/2-Part Film Essay,具体的准备方向涵盖几个方面(如果不嫌麻烦可以看下下面的官网要求,关键还是能够通过作品看到每个人独一无二的基本功,经历,和深度:Drawing samples are the most important part of the portfolio for applicants to the majors listed. Please include examples of drawing done from the direct observation of live, three-dimensional situations. These can include self-portraits (using a mirror for reference), figure drawings, object studies, still lifes and landscapes. (Two-dimensional references can be included in a portfolio, but should be kept to a minimum.)Painting, printmaking, drawing and/or collage work that expresses the color sense of an applicant is welcome.Three-dimensional work that explores notions of composition, light, form and/or spatial relations should be submitted in digital format (CD-R) and should include shots from multiple viewpoints.Design projects and computer-generated images can be included but should be kept to a minimum. Applicants with computer-based interests are required to submit a portfolio that demonstrates their drawing-from-observation skills.Sketchbooks offer important insights into the creative process of an applicant. Applicants are encouraged to include the most recent sketchbook at the time of a portfolio review.