









1 美国耶鲁大学 2 美国哈佛大学 3 英国牛津大学 4 德国慕尼黑大学 5 英国剑桥大学 6 法国巴黎政治学院 7 意大利波伦亚大学 8 美国斯坦福大学 9 纽约哥伦比亚大学 10 德国海德堡大学


耶鲁剑桥哥廷根康乃尔---------Law School Country Specializations Yale US General Northwestern US LLM/Kellog; International Human Rights Law Stanford US Corporate Governance & PracticeLaw, Science & Technology Cornell US General NYU US Trade Regulation; Labor and Employment Law;International Legal Studies; Corporation Law;Taxation; International TaxationNYU@NUS: Law and the Global EconomyHarvard US Human Rights; Taxation; Corporate Law and Governance; International Finance Duke US General MichiganUS General; Comparative Law; International Tax Boston U US American Law; Taxation; Intellectual Property; Banking and Financial Law Chicago US General; Comparative Law NUSSG NYU@NUS: Law and the Global EconomyAsian Legal Studies; Maritime Law;Corporate & Financial Services Law;Intellectual Property & Technology Law;International Business Law; General Vanderbilt US Course Track; Thesis Track HKUHK General; Chinese Law; Human Rights Law; Corporate and Financial Law; IT and IP Law;Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Law LSE UK Banking Law and Financial Regulation;Corporate and Securities LawCorporate and Commercial LawHuman Rights Law; European Union LawInternational Business LawCriminology and Criminal Justice; Labour LawIT and Communication Law; IP LawPublic International Law; Legal TheoryPublic Law; Taxation TorontoCAThesis-intensive Format; Coursework-intensive Format Columbia US General WULS US IP; Taxation; Juridical Studies, LLM for International Students UCLA US Entertainment and Media Law;International & Comparative Law; Bankruptcy; Business Law; Securities Regulation; Tax USC US General; Comparative LawOxfordUKBCL; MJur; Criminology and Criminal JusticeCambridgeUKGeneralUCLUK28 streams (refer to its website)KCLUKLaw in Society; Commerce and FinanceEuropean and International LawLeidenNLRechtsgeleerheid; European Law; Public International Law; Air and Space LawEuropean Business Law; International Tax LawInternational Criminal Law; Peace; Justice and DevelopmentSydneyAU13 streams (refer to its website)GeorgetownUSTaxation; International Students;Securities & Financial Regulation;Individual Study; Global Health LawMSL for JournalistsGeorge WashingtonUSGeneral; Environmental Law; Government Procurement Law; IP Law;International & Comparative Law; Litigation and Dispute RegulationUpennUSCorporate Law; Trade Law; Criminal Law;International Law; Securities and Banking Law;Constitutional Law; IP & the InternetVirginiaUS GeneralBoalt HallUSCourse Work; Thesis TrackManchesterUKGeneral; Criminology and Socio-Legal StudiesHealth Care Ethics and Law/ BioethicsFordhamUSBanking, Corporate & Finance LawIP & IT Law; International Business & Trade LawSouthamptonUKGeneral; European Law; Maritime LawInternational Business Law; IT and CommerceCommercial and Corporate Law; International Law


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