1. 高中毕业证2.高中三年成绩单3.出示高考成绩或者SAT成绩4. 托福iBT至少100或雅思7分5.如果有酒店相关的工作或者实习经历的可以优先考虑,最好是写一下自己resume。6.一篇两倍行距两页的小论文 题目有(从中选一个):I.At EHL, students can pursue a multidimensional undergraduate experience both on and off campus. Given the opportunities offered at EHL, please discuss your current interests, including academic or extracurricular pursuits, personal passions and summer experiences, and how you will build upon them here. What do you want to achieve both academically and personally at EHLII.You must choose nine ingredients to add to your ‘recipe for success’ for a dynamic career in international hospitality management: three ingredients from your past experiences, three from your present motivations, and three from your future accomplishments as an EHL student. What would these ingredients be, and how will they contribute to a "five-star career" III. It is your first day at EHL and you have to introduce yourself to the future leaders of the hospitality industry. What would you say to them希望我的回答能帮助到你^^