
急求 德国 法兰克福应用科技大学的介绍……在网上找不到……它在德国的排名如何



急求 德国 法兰克福应用科技大学的介绍……在网上找不到啊……它在德国的排名如何,在线求解答



经济周刊2006年德国大学排名企业管理(Betriebswirtschaft)1. Uni Mannheim2. Uni Münster3. Uni K ln4. Uni München5. WHU Vallendar6. EBS Oestrich-Winkel7. KU Eichst tt-Ingolstadt8. Uni ……本文来自: 中国经济学教育科研网() 详细内容清查看:

急求 德国 法兰克福应用科技大学的介绍……在网上找不到……它在德国的排名如何


正式的译名请参考“教育部教育涉外监管信息网”-德国学校名单99.法兰克福应用技术大学 Frankfurt am Main FH: Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main 国立 有了这个正式的译名,就可以在网上找到很多信息了吧~~ 我个人印象是这个学校还不错的~~


学校简介法兰克福应用科技大学(Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main- University of Applied Sciences, Germany)1971年建校,国立大学,位于黑森州,学生人数9272名。该校图书馆的馆藏分为图书、期刊、录音带、录像带与光盘几大类,其总量为24万,所设计的领域为建筑学、工程科学、自然科学、技术科学、经济学、护理学与社会学主要专业普通精密工艺建筑学土木工程学企业管理电工学信息学工程学—信息学机械制造金融与法律(国际学科)护理学护理管理社会工作社会教育学加工技术测量学经济法学位授予权硕士 University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am MainThe University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main, offers an academic education with a clear practical orientation. As one of the leading universities of applied sciences in Germany, it offers around 40 courses in 4 faculties: architecture and civil engineering, computer science and engineering, business and law, social work and health. The highly qualified range of degrees is constantly being developed further and supplemented by additional future-oriented courses with bachelor and master degrees.Since 1998, the University has been called a University of Applied Sciences to underline its image as a teaching institution with application-oriented research. The 650 full- and part-time lecturers also have practical experience. The ‘Knowledge Transfer, Technology and Innovation Consulting’ department is an important coordination link between research and industry. It also places scientists to assist in the solving of technical, business and social issues. In these projects, the students gain an insight into the requirements of companies and institutions.In addition to a broad range of language courses, the 9000 students from approximately 100 countries also have the option of spending at least one semester abroad at one of the more than 60 international partner universities. People in full-time employment can also gain additional qualifications through the varied further education programme, which includes both part-time and postgraduate courses.Address Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main - University of Applied SciencesNibelungenplatz 160318 Frankfurt am MainTelefon:+49 (0)69 15330 Telefax:+49 (0)69 15332400 E-Mail:post@fh.frankfurt.de Internet:-frankfurt.de


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