







(1)韩国是中国的近邻,经济贸易交流发达。韩国作为经济强国,拥有着发达的教育水平和先进的教育模式,而建国大学具有悠久的历史和强大的师资力量,因此我选择了在贵校留学深造。 (2) 因此国际贸易在竞争激烈的今天显得是如此的重要. (3)所以这就更增加了我学习国际贸易的渴望和动力. 因此我真诚的希望能在贵校得到这一领域的进一步深造. (4)任何学科都需要良好的理论基础才能进一步的研究并运用于实践当中,所以我研究生第一年的主要任务是学习国际贸易的相关基本理论和知识,并深入了解主要贸易国的贸易体制与政策; (5)国际贸易中的绝大多数信息的发布、交流、磋商、谈判、单证、文件等都是以英语为主,而且都是非常专业和正式的英语,所以在研究学习的过程中,在加强商务韩语的同时还将会更加加强商务英语的学习. (6)由于从事国际贸易活动,要求贸易人员在掌握基本知识的同时,必须具有很强的实际工作能力,所以我第二年的学习将以如何把理论知识运用到实践当中为研究重心.主要通过案例分析或者到海关、进出口公司参观访问或实习的方式来提高自身实际操作水平。 (7)因为国际贸易作为综合性很强的一门专业课,和其他相关学科联系很紧密,所以在我学习研究国际贸易的同时还将会注意学习如价格学、商品学、物流学、保险学和法学等学科的知识. (8)假如贵校接受了我的申请,我将会以成为贵校引以为豪的毕业生为目标,全力以赴、高质量的完成学业,我有信心能做到。

(1) Korea Republic is a Chinese close neighbour , economy trade exchanges flourish. Korea Republic is owning developed educational level and the advanced education pattern as the economy powerful country,but strength building up a country learning have age-old history and big and powerful teachers enthusiastically, I have chosen therefore in expensive school study abroad pursuing advanced studies. (2) international trade is competing therefore fierce look like being so-called importance today. (3) reason why will have increased my aspiration studying international trade's and driving force more immediately. I hope going a step further being able to get this one field in expensive school therefore sincerely pursuing advanced studies. And any (4) discipline requiring that fine rationale ability goes a step further study and apply to practice middle, therefore my graduate student the first years of major task are fundamental theory and knowledge studying the international trade relevance, go deep into trade system and policy knowing the main trade country; (5) Information announcing , exchange, consult about most in international trade , negotiation , Shan certificate , document etc. all are to give first place to English, being extraordinary special field and formal English and , will be able to reinforce English study about of business affairs more therefore in the process of the study about studying, while reinforcing business affairs Han language. (6)Use personal influence since being engaged in international trade , demand the trade personnel while having an ABC in hand , must have the very strong actual service ability, therefore my second year of study about will take how to apply theory knowledge to practice middle as the centre of gravity studying. Main operation is horizontal by the fact that case improves oneself reality coming the way analysing or paying a visit to customhouse , the import and export corporation pay a visit to or practice. (7) that the comprehensiveness is very strong because of international trade accomplishes one door specialized courses, and relevance discipline connection is other very rapid and intense, therefore will be able to pay attention to the discipline studying if price learns , the commodity learns , logistics learns , Insurance and science of law wait's while I learn studying international trade knowledge. (8) checks application having accepted me suppose expensive , I will may take the graduate who becomes expensive school enough to make oneself proud as target, go all out , high mass be completed self's studies, I am confident to be able to achieve. 这样就可以了。


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