






New York City is the nation's largest city and largest port, is the world's fifth city, located in the northern part of the east coast of the United States, southeastern New York State.New York is one of the world's most famous cities in the international economy, finance, art, media capital of the United Nations headquarters. New York City or the many world-class museums, galleries and performing arts venue location, making it the Western Hemisphere's cultural and entertainment centers. As a result has more than 8,000,000 population (living in the land of 309 square miles), and more than 180 countries from a large number of immigrants, the city is often referred to affectionately as "Big Apple."



New York City is the nation's largest city and largest port, is the world's fifth city, located in the northern part of the east coast of the United States, southeastern New York State.New York is one of the world's most famous cities in the international economy, finance, art, media capital of the United Nations headquarters. New York City or the many world-class museums, galleries and performing arts venue location, making it the Western Hemisphere's cultural and entertainment centers. As a result has more than 8,000,000 population (living in the land of 309 square miles), and more than 180 countries from a large number of immigrants, the city is often referred to affectionately as "Big Apple."


纽约英文介绍:New York City, located on the Atlantic coast of southeastern New York State, is the largest city and port in the United States and one of the largest cities in the world. It is also known as "Port Nuremen" together with London, England and Hong Kong, China. In November 2018, New York was named Alpha++ as the world's first-tier city by GaWC.New York also has a huge influence in business and finance. New York's financial district, led by Lower Manhattan and Wall Street, is known as the world's financial center. Among the top 500 companies in the world, 17 are headquartered in New York. The New York Stock Exchange, the world's second largest stock exchange, was the largest stock exchange until 1996 when its trading volume was overtaken by Nasdaq.New York Times Square, located at the hub of Broadway Theatre District, is known as the "crossroads of the world" and one of the centers of the world's entertainment industry. Manhattan's Chinatown is the most dense concentration of Chinese people in the Western Hemisphere. New York also has Columbia University, New York University, Rockefeller University and other famous schools.纽约中文介绍:纽约市,位于美国纽约州东南部大西洋沿岸,是美国第一大城市及第一大港口,世界最大的城市之一,与英国伦敦、中国中国香港并称为“纽伦港”。2018年11月,纽约被GaWC评为Alpha++级世界一线城市。纽约在商业和金融的方面也发挥着巨大的影响力。纽约的金融区以曼哈顿下城及华尔街为龙头,被称为世界的金融中心,世界500强企业中,有17家企业的总部位于纽约。 纽约证券交易所是世界第二大证交所,它曾是最大的证券交易所,直到1996年它的交易量被纳斯达克超过。纽约时代广场位于百老汇剧院区枢纽,被称作“世界的十字路口”,亦是世界娱乐产业的中心之一。曼哈顿的唐人街是西半球最为密集的华人集中地。纽约还拥有哥伦比亚大学、纽约大学、洛克菲勒大学等名校。扩展资料:纽约著名景点:







New York City, located on the Atlantic coast of southeastern New York State, is the largest city and port in the United States and one of the largest cities in the world. It is also known as "Port Nuremen" together with London, England and Hong Kong, China. In November 2018, New York was named Alpha++ as the world's first-tier city by GaWC.

New York also has a huge influence in business and finance. New York's financial district, led by Lower Manhattan and Wall Street, is known as the world's financial center. Among the top 500 companies in the world, 17 are headquartered in New York. The New York Stock Exchange, the world's second largest stock exchange, was the largest stock exchange until 1996 when its trading volume was overtaken by Nasdaq.

New York Times Square, located at the hub of Broadway Theatre District, is known as the "crossroads of the world" and one of the centers of the world's entertainment industry. Manhattan's Chinatown is the most dense concentration of Chinese people in the Western Hemisphere. New York also has Columbia University, New York University, Rockefeller University and other famous schools.



纽约在商业和金融的方面也发挥着巨大的影响力。纽约的金融区以曼哈顿下城及华尔街为龙头,被称为世界的金融中心,世界500强企业中,有17家企业的总部位于纽约。 纽约证券交易所是世界第二大证交所,它曾是最大的证券交易所,直到1996年它的交易量被纳斯达克超过。














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