GRE ScoresThe Graduate School requires all applicants to provide GRE (Graduate Record Examination) General Test scores. (Applicants to Business Administration may provide GMAT scores in lieu of the GRE: submit to code Q13.LX.66) The scores must not be more than five years old, and an official copy must be sent to the Graduate School, institution code number 5156, directly from the Educational Testing Service. Personal copies are not acceptable, nor are "attested" or notarized copies. Some departments require the GRE Subject Test as well; see the departmental descriptions in the section Departments and Programs. The Graduate School receives GRE scores electronically from the Educational Testing Service. Because we match scores by an applicant's name, it is important that you explicitly call our attention to any discrepancies that might occur between your name as reported on your application forms and as recorded on your GRE scores. If you are applying for fall admission and award, be sure to take the GRE in time for official scores to reach us by the application deadline. For further information on the GRE and registration forms, please visit the GRE website atNOTE TO INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS: We realize that the GRE scores of international students, particularly those whose native language is not English, may be affected by language and cultural differences. This is taken into consideration when such students' applications are evaluated. The scores are nevertheless required and must come directly from the Educational Testing Service. 同本科生。
。这里说了。。需要提供,但没有具体数字。GRE我没有考过,不知道范围,但估计和SAT是一个数量级(SAT满分是2400分。。你大概折算吧。。这个我实在不知道了。)We do not report average SAT or ACT scores.But we can tell you the middle 50 percent range of our admitted students last year scored between 690 and 770 on the SAT Verbal/Critical Reading Test, between 690 and 800 on the SAT Math Test, and between 680 and 770 on the SAT Writing Test. That means 25 percent of them scored below the lowest part of the range while 25 percent scored above the top part of the range. The equivalent range on the ACT is 29 to 34. We do not have a minimum required score for either the SAT or ACT. 这段话就是说,我们虽然没有设定成绩,但我可以告诉你中间50%d的人的成绩范围是:阅读:690~a770。数学:690~800.写作:680~770.( 当然了,最后还是附了一句话:我们没有最低的成绩要求。)