






2007 Entry Requirements and the Admissions ProcessEntry Requirements and Admissions Process for Postgraduate Students 2007 University of Nottingham Ningbo, ChinaThe University of Nottingham, UK was established in the City of Nottingham in 1881, and it was the first new university to receive a Royal Charter after World War Two.The University of Nottingham has been consistently ranked in the world's top 100 universities and is at present a member of Universitas 21, a group of elite international research universities. In October 2003, two Nottingham graduates and former professors were awarded Nobel Prizes for Medicine and Economics. The University of Nottingham has a very large number of taught Postgraduate Programmes with a choice of over 200 taught Masters, Diploma and Certificate courses.Nottingham has 26 departments awarded the prestigious 5 (internationally ranked) and 5* (world class) ratings for research.It has 30 subjects rated excellent by national independent assessment by the Quality Assurance Agency. In 2000, the University of Nottingham, UK was awarded the prestigious Queen's Anniversary Prize; by virtue of the establishment of the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, the University of Nottingham, UK won the Queen's Award for Enterprise in International Trade & Industry once again in 2006 for the second time. During the same year, it also received the 2006 International Business Award in New York and was recognised as Britain's ‘University of the Year'. The postgraduate programmes offered at Ningbo Campus are supported by The University of Nottingham's relevant academic schools and the Graduate School.Key teaching staff are seconded by The University of Nottingham, UK and all staff meet the standards of the University of Nottingham, UK.Lecturers or above normally have a Doctorate or substantial research publications, and are experienced teachers.In addition, all master courses at UNNC are delivered entirely in English and the teaching materials are introduced from Nottingham, UK.Graduates will be awarded a University of Nottingham UK degree which also can be authorized by the Chinese Ministry of Education. The Programmes The University offers two types of postgraduate programme: a direct entry Postgraduate Degree Programme (one year full-time, two to four years part-time) and a two-year full-time Postgraduate Programme with Year One as a preparatory year and Year Two as the degree year.For 2007 entry, The University of Nottingham, Ningbo China will offer nine Master's courses and one Ph.D course: MSc International Business, MA International Management, MA International Communications studies with French/German/Spanish/Japanses/Chinese, MA Finance & Investment, MA Applied Linguistics, MA Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching, MSc Renewable Energy & Architecture, MSc Energy Conversion & Management, MSc Sustainable Building Technology and Ph.D Sustainable Energy/Building technologies. MA International Management: applicants should have a Bachelor's degree in a related subject, such as management, business studies, marketing, economics, accounting and finance. MA Finance & Investment: applicants should have a Bachelor's degree in Finance or Accounting.M.Sc. International Business applicants should have a Bachelor's degree in a non-business related subject (Business Studies and Applicable Finance graduates may not apply). MA Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching: requires a minimum of two years of approved teaching experience (or equivalent).Applicants for MA Applied Linguistics or MA Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching must have a first degree (BA) in a relevant subject (English Studies, Linguistics, etc.). MA International Communications with French/German/Spanish/Japanese/Chinese: are open to graduates of all subjects.Expected student numbers for each course: Programmes Mode of Attendance Study Period Intake Closing Date for Applications MSc International Business Full-time 1 year / 2 years@ 40 Apr.30, 2007 Part-time 2 to 4 years MA International Management Full-time 1 year / 2 years@ 40 Part-time 2 to 4 years MA International Communications Studies with French/German/Spanish/Japanese/Chinese Full-time 1 year / 2 years@ 30 Part-time 2 to 4 years MA Finance & Investment Full-time 1 year / 2 years@ 30 Part-time 2 to 4 years MA Applied Linguistics Full-time 1 year 15 Part-time 2 to 4 years MA Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching Full-time 1 year 15 Part-time 2 to 4 years *MSc Renewable Energy & Architecture Full-time 1 year (8 months UK & 4 months Ningbo) / 2 years@ 15 / *MSc Energy Conversion & Management Full-time 1 year (8 months UK & 4 months Ningbo) / 2 years@ 15 / *MSc Sustainable Building Technology Full-time 1 year (8 months UK & 4 months Ningbo) / 2 years@ 15 / *PhD Sustainable Energy/Building Technologies Full-time 3 years (1.5 years UK & 1.5 years Ningbo) / Applications are accepted throughout the year * If you want to apply for these courses, please contact Nottingham, UK directly.More details can be found at。@ A two-year full-time postgraduate programme is with Year One as a preparatory year and Year Two as the degree year.Entry Requirements1. Applicants should normally have a Bachelor degree at 2:1 level or equivalent. 2. Applicants should offer a full transcript of their undergraduate studies but admission is based on the average of their second, third and fourth years of studies. 3. For Chinese nationals applying for the one-year postgraduate programme (full-time) or part-time programmes (between 2 years and 4 years) the minimum average score of key university graduates is 80, or top 10% in the class. The minimum average score for non-key university graduates is 85 or top 5% of the class. 4. For the two-year postgraduate programme (full-time) the minimum average score for key university graduates is 70; for non-key university graduates the minimum average is 75. 5. For the one-year postgraduate programme(full-time) or part-time programmes (between 2 years and 4 years) qualification, the minimum IELTS score is 6.5(6.0 minimum in writing), or TOEFL score 575 (no less than 4.5 in the Test of Written English) ;computer based score 232 (no less than 4.5 in essay rating) . For the two-year postgraduate programme (full-time) the minimum IELTS score is 5.5, or TOEFL score 525(no less than 4.0 in the Test of Written English), computer based score 195 (no less than 4.0 in essay rating).6. The University will also take the National Masters Examination mark into consideration.7. Chinese students from a recognised foreign university (where the syllabuses are taught entirely in English) would usually be expected to hold an honours degree at 2:1level or equivalent. Please contact us for further advice about the qualifications. How to Apply 1. Students who possess the required qualifications must submit a written application using the 2007 Postgraduate Student Application Form. [ Download from:]2. Applicants must provide two references; a personal statement; an official transcript sealed by the registrar of the university from which the first degree was obtained; IELTS test score; original copies and photocopies of certificates for awards, works and essays. In addition, four two-inch passport photos should be provided3. Application Fee: RMB 120/personThe Application Deadline and the Test Schedule The application deadline is April 30th 2007. IELTS/TOEFL scores should be submitted before June 30th. Late applications will be only considered under exceptional circumstances. Tuition FeesOne-year Postgraduate programme Tuition fee: 80,000 RMB per year. Two-year Postgraduate programme Tuition fee:60,000RMB per year. Contact DetailsAdmissions OfficeAdd: The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China 199 Taikang East Road, Ningbo, ChinaTel: ++86 (0)574 88222460 ++86 (0)574 88180098++86 (0)574 88180162Fax:++86 (0)574 88222483E-mail: Admissions@nottingham.edu.cnWebsite:



诺丁汉大学硕士申请条件取得学士学位,成绩良好,IELTS 6.5以上,商学院部分专业要求IELTS7.0MBA需要有三年的工作经验,没有达到英语要求的也可以申请,学生可以先到大学语言中心或其他语言学校学习语言,文科及其他专业的大学毕业生可转专业申请计算机研究生。


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