









官方的要求: DMISSIONS MA (Language Studies) The University has not engaged any external agencies to undertake graduate student recruitment on its behalf and it reserves the right to reject, without giving reasons, applications submitted through any external agencies. - Application deadline With effect from August 2009, the MA (Language Studies) by coursework will have one intake per year in Semester 1. Application materials will be available from 1 November and must be received by 15 January of the following year. -Application form -Admission and programme requirements; and course description -Fees & Scholarships -Useful information from Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences and the Registrar's Office -Information for international students -University Calendar For all enquiries about application procedures and application materials, please refer to Application materials or contact: Division of Research and Graduate Studies Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences National University of Singapore The Shaw Foundation Building AS7, Level 6 5 Arts Link Singapore 117570{at} nus {dot} edu {dot} sg For other enquiries concerning the M.A. (Language Studies) programme, please email: ellbox3 {at} nus {dot} edu {dot} sg. Please indicate that you are inquiring about the MA (Language Studies) in your email. MA & PhD in English Language by research -Application deadline The MA by research and PhD programmes have one intake per year in Semester 1. Applications must be received by 1 Nov. -Application form -Admission requirements and programme description for MA by research and PhD -Fees & Scholarships -Useful information from Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences and the Registrar's Office -Information for international students -University Calendar For all enquiries about application procedures and application materials, please refer to Application materials. If you wish to have the application materials sent to you by regular mail, please contact: Division of Research and Graduate Studies Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences National University of Singapore The Shaw Foundation Building AS7, Level 6 5 Arts Link Singapore 117570 Email: fasbox3 {at} nus {dot} edu {dot} sg For other enquiries concerning research matters in the Department, please email: ellbox1 {at} nus {dot} edu {dot} sg. Please indicate whether you are inquiring about the MA by research or PhD in English Language in your email.




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