






civil engineering 四年国大网页上介绍:civil engineering is a broad field of engineering that deals with the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of fixed structures or public infrastructure, as they are related to earth, water, or civilization and their processes. In essence civil engineering is the profession which makes the world a more habitable place to live. Hence the civil engineer seeks innovative solutions to tackle the ever-changing problems associated with the living environment, i.e., how we live, work, travel and play. Thus as long as a higher standard of living is demanded, there will be a need for civil engineers to develop and design better living environment. As the broadest field in engineering, civil engineering requires the integration of many areas of specialties.Our CE ProgrammeOur CE Programme aims to produce engineer leaders and provide our graduates with multiple career pathways. Fundamentals will be sufficiently covered and with flexible curriculum structure, our students are able to tailor their programmes to suit their aspiration whether to become specialists to tackle challenging CE projects or to cover the broad spectrum of civil engineering and management to be CEOs, CFOs, bankers, regulators or policy makers.Degree RequirementIn order to graduate with the B.Eng. (Civil) degree, students are required to:Complete a minimum of 161 MCs with a CAP ≥2.0.Pass the modules in accordance with Table A.Pass 4 technical electivesSatisfy all other requirements as prescribed by the Faculty or the University.Subject to the approval of the Department, students may opt to take a relevant module in another department as one of the four technical electives. The module must be of at least Level-3000 standard and must be taken on a graded basis.Students may opt for one of the following programmes:Specialisation in Offshore EngineeringJoint Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) Degree with Melbourne University (Australia)Double Degree in Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and Bachelor of Arts (Economics)Double Degree in Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and Bachelor of Arts (Accountancy)Double Degree in Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and Bachelor of Business AdministrationDouble Degree with either Ecole Polytechnique (X) or Ecole Central Paris (ECP) or Ecole Nationale Superieure des Minesde Paris (ENSMP) leading to Bachelor of Engineering (Civil), Diplome d’Ingenieur and Master of Engineering or Master of Science.Dual Majors in Civil Engineering and various other disciplines. Please visit the following websites:_majors.htmlFor students aspiring for a First Class Honors Degree, they must obtain at least an A- grade for CE4104 B.Eng Dissertation.Table A: Summary of Modular Requirements and Credits MODULAR REQUIREMENTSMCsUNIVERSITY LEVEL REQUIREMENTS20GEM Requirements (at least one from Group B: Human & Soc Sci)8Singapore Studies (SS) Module4Breadth: Electives Outside Student’s Faculty8PROGRAMME REQUIREMENTSFaculty Requirements:10EG1413 Critical Thinking and Writing4HR2002 Human Capital in Organizations3EG2401 Engineering Professionalism3EG1471 English**-Major Requirements:First Year Engineering and Science Requirements:16MA1505 Mathematics I4MA1506 Mathematics II4PC1431 Physics IE4MLE1101 Introductory Materials Science & Engineering4First Year Engineering Modules:6EG1108 Electrical Engineering3EG1109 Statics and Mechanics of Materials4CE Computing Requirements:4CE2409 Computer Applications in Civil Engineering4Civil Engineering Core Modules:56CE2112 Soil Mechanics4CE2134 Hydraulics4CE2155 Structural Mechanics and Materials4CE2183 Construction Project Management4CE2184 Infrastructure and the Environment4CE2407 Engineering and Uncertainty Analyses4ESE3001 Water Quality Engineering4CE3115 Geotechnical Engineering4CE3116 Foundation Engineering4CE3121 Transportation Engineering4CE3132 Water Resources Engineering4CE3155 Structural Analysis4CE3165 Structural Concrete Design4CE3166 Structural Steel Design and System4Electives Modules:16Level 3 Technical Elective Modules4Higher Level Technical Elective Modules12Project Modules (Final Year Projects, Design, etc):12CE4103 Design Project4CE4104 B.Eng. Dissertation8UNRESTRICTED ELECTIVE MODULES20TOTAL161



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