我也是MOS的,同学啊~~ lz什么时候走啊
我也是MOS的,同学啊~~ lz什么时候走啊
首先恭喜入取University of Western Ontario。大一基础课我想每个大学应该大同小异。个例子:我大一去年在UofT Rotman。第一年有3门必修和2门选修。必修是:ECO100,MAT133,RSM100。ECO的主要内容是:宏观 和 微观经济。MAT133的主要内容是:微分,积分 和 “商业数学”。RSM100的主要内容是(分成了3部分): 宏观经济,会计,管理。我觉得你可以先看一下Western第一年要求的基础课,然后就可以查到每个课的内容了。Ivey的transfer要求。我不瞒着你,Ivey的管理是加拿大可能是最好得了。固然想大一之后再转过去很难。而且它的课程是2+2制度,也就是说如果你大一之后转过去了,你还是要苦学一年才有机会进入Ivey School of Business. 当然想去最好的没有错。要想去的话,大一首先必需是全额课时(不能是part-time student),然后平均分(或GPA)不能小于80(才有竞争力)。随后就是有超众的课外活动,兴趣爱好,展示领导才能的经验。最后,一定要练好语言,尤其是口语。据我听说,Ivey的课程很倾向课上讨论,不参加课上的探讨会影响“参与分”。(这个分比重很大...)好了,就说到这,因为我不在UWO所以不google只能说这么多。如果还有啥问题的话请追问或者空间留言。谢谢。 补充:IVEY难道是招大一新生的么?我一直以为是只从大二学生里挑。Ivey不招大一新生,所以它的program是2+2,先上2年的基础课,然后根据2年的成绩选学生进入3,4年。抱歉我说的是从其他的学校转的。这样的话你要看你的program是否可以直接申请Ivey。如果可以的话,你直接看大一和大二的基础课就可以了。 还有就是要看你有没有Ivey AEO Status,AEO是高中毕业时申请Ivey时如果成绩优秀才有机会获得的“conditional-admission“。获得AEO之后只要保证成绩优秀就可以进入大三的Ivey,具体如下:Enroll at Western or one of the Affiliated University Colleges for Years 1 and 2 with a full course load (5.0 full courses) during the regular academic year (September – April) in each year. Permission to register for an online course will be granted by the HBA Program Services Office only under special circumstances;Achieve an overall two-year average of 80.0% in 10.0 full university credits (5.0 in each year) in any faculty in any program with no failed courses;Enroll in a module and take a minimum of 2.0 of the required courses for that module plus Business Administration 2257 in Year 2;Take all senior (2000 and higher) level courses in Year 2 including Business Administration 2257. Permission to register for a first-year course in Year 2 will be granted by the HBA Program Services Office only under special circumstances;Achieve no less than 70% in Business Administration 2257 taken between September and April of Year 2;Complete the equivalent of a Grade 12 U-level mathematics course, if not taken during secondary school;Continue involvement, achievement, and leadership in extracurricular activities in Years 1 and 2;Complete an Ivey AEO Update form between Years 1 and 2 so that Ivey can provide feedback on progression to date; and,Complete the Ivey AEO Intent to Register form in Year 2 to confirm intention to join the Ivey HBA Program in Year 3.---------------如果没有AEO的话,则一下条件必需满足:Complete years 1 & 2 (or more) at Western or any other university. Pursue any course of study at any university and ensure that you:Maintain a full course load over two years of university (equivalent of 10.0 Western courses).Achieve a minimum average of 70% in 10.0 university courses completed including Business 2257.Complete a secondary school mathematics course for students bound for university or an equivalent.Complete Western’s Business 2257 course or equivalent. View a list of accepted equivalents at Business 2257 Equivalents {Links to: Bus 2257 list of equivalents}Achieve a minimum grade of 70% in Business 2257 or equivalent.A competitive Ivey HBA application includes:Demonstrated leadership in extracurricular activities, community involvement, and work experience80%+ average on 10.0 full courses (or the equivalent) at any university (if at another university, these courses must be acceptable to transfer to Western).The minimum average to be considered for admission is 70%.