
想去 加拿大 西安大略大学 读音乐研究生



想去 加拿大 西安大略大学 读音乐研究生,麻烦给回复



英语需要什么水平(本人英语不是很好)雅思 6。

5以上,托付100以上读研2年的费用高不高?Graduatetuition fees: $14,294 - $19,394可以申请奖学金么?可以 但是基本很少给留学生就是有也是10-25%左右,。大部分的学费和生活飞还是要自己承担还有,听说如果入加拿大国际,学费会相对便宜一些,是真的么?是真的 但是哪个相对本科来说的 研的化 学费基本一致 差一点学杂费什么的会差多少?本科差很多 本地人是留学生的1/3左右。 研的化 学费基本一致下面是申请要求Graduate work at the master's level may focus on scholarly study in musicology, music theory or music education, or on concentrated professional training in composition or music performance.Admission to master's programs requires a four-year honours degree with a music major or its equivalent from an accredited university. A minimum of a B average must have been achieved in undergraduate studies, with normally an A average in the proposed area of concentration. Application DeadlineApplications for September admission should be submitted by February 1, 2010. Those received after February 1 will be considered only if places are still open; financial support is unlikely to be available to late applicants.

想去 加拿大 西安大略大学 读音乐研究生


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