






The University of Ghana Business Schoolwas established as the College of Administration by Executive Instrument – (E.I.127) at Achimota, Accra in January, 1960. It started business on the 22 January, 1960, on the old Western Compound of Achimota with the old Department of Commerce of the Kumasi College of Technology, established in 1952, (now KNUST) as its nucleus. The School was renamed School of Administration (SOA) and University of Ghana Business School (UGBS) in 1962 and 2004 respectively.Before the School was departmentalized in 2004, there were only (4) four Units namelyThe School’s name was launched in 2004 with the six departments in place.ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENTThe Department of Accounting Studies is probably the most revered and accomplished department of the School. The department has been in existence since the inception of the School at Kumasi College of Technology where it was called the Department of Commerce. It has grown in stature since moving from the Western Compound of Achimota to Legon campus.The current Head of Department is Dr. J. M. Onumah.DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND BANKINGThe Department of Finance and Banking was formally under the Department of Management Studies. The new department of Finance and Banking was culled out from the Management Department. Under this department had evolved the Insurance and entrepreneurial studies. Recent trend in the School can testify that it has the greatest patronage.The current Head of Department is Prof. A. Q. Q. Aboagye.3. DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING AND CUSTOMER MANAGEMENTThe Department of Marketing and Customer Management was also culled out from the Management Department. The evolution of the course has necessitated a change in its original name to Department of Marketing and Customer Management.The current Head of Department is Dr. Bedman Nartey.4. DEPARTMENT OF OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMSThe Department was also culled out from the Management Unit under a Co-ordinator. When it was departmentalized in 2004 its name was changed to Department of Operations and Management Information Systems. Since it is a new option in the School the students greatly patronize it. The School can boast of two well stocked computer laboratories for both undergraduates and graduate students.The current Head of Department is Dr. John Effah.5. DEPARTMENT OF ORGANIZATION AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTThe Department of Organization and Human Resource Management was under the Management Unit of the School until the Departmentalization of the School took place in 2004.The current Head of Department is Dr. Daniel Ofori.6. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENTThe Public Administration Unit and the Health Services Management Unit were separately on their own and were headed by Co-ordinators. The two units were put together in 2004 when the School decided to departmentalize. The School felt the two units were smaller and decided to merge the two under its new name Department of Public Administration and Health Services Management.The current Head of Department is Prof. Kojo Sakyi.加纳大学是全球高端管理联盟成员之一“全球高端管理联盟 ”21所联盟成员院校名单亚洲管理学院 (菲律宾) 蒙特雷技术大学EGADE商学院(墨西哥)圣保罗FGV企业管理学校(巴西) 一桥大学商学研究院(日本)西班牙IE商学院 (西班牙) 香港科技大学商学院(中国)INCAE商学院(哥斯达黎加、尼加拉瓜) 欧洲工商管理学院(法国、新加坡)科曲大学商学院(土耳其) 伦敦政治经济学院(英国)新加坡国立大学商学院(新加坡) 智利天主教大学商学院(智利)中国人民大学商学院(中国) 韩国首尔国立大学商学院(韩国)以色列理工学院(以色列) 都柏林大学斯莫菲特商学院 (爱尔兰)开普敦大学商学院(南非) 加纳大学商学院(加纳) 印尼大学经济学院(印度尼西亚)复旦大学管理学院(中国) 耶鲁管理学院 (美国)



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