
新加坡国立大学和南洋理工大学商学院Alevel和托福的成绩要求 undergraduate



新加坡国立大学和南洋理工大学商学院Alevel和托福的成绩要求 undergraduate急求答案,帮忙回答下


国大,A-level 3A还是4A,其中GP一定要是A,否则你其他科目成绩要很好。南洋也差不了多少。托福成绩是给你加分用的,起不了决定性作用


上学校官网上查询啊。楼主的undergraduate是指你要申请undergraduate呢还是申请master需要undergraduate的要求呢?还有你是具体到哪个专业啊,不同专业要求不尽然相同的。南洋理工以Bachelor of Business 为例,Among the top undergraduate Business programmes in Asia, our Bachelor of Business is a rigorous and broad-based three-year accelerated honours programme. Widely-known for its professional orientation and innovative curriculum, the programme offers six cutting-edge and industry-relevant majors that are continuously updated through interactions and consultation with leading professional bodies such as the Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute, the UK Institutes of Actuaries, the Singapore Tourism Board, and the Singapore Computer Society.Our graduates are sought-after by the best employers for their ability to apply knowledge, think analytically and creatively, communicate confidently, and work effectively in teams as members and leaders. These capabilities are developed through a rigorous curriculum that emphasizes team-based projects, presentations, business simulations, integrative case studies, real-world projects and hands-on experience with leading industry applications. These capabilities are further developed through student activities such as participating in industry and international competitions and conferences and organising professional and social events that benefit other students.Find your best match of a discipline major to undertake according to your different aptitudes and interests:Actuarial ScienceProvides solid and in-depth training for those students who wish to pursue a career in the reputable actuary profession. Our students who successfully complete the requirements of this programme can qualify for up to eight exemptions from the Core Technical Subjects of the Institute of Actuaries, UK. This major is popular with students who have strong interest in insurance, financial, and risk management areas and possess high analytical and numerical ability. Banking and FinanceOffers a highly popular range of Finance courses that meet the demands of Singapore as a financial center as well as the international financial arena. Students can choose to focus on any of these 3 tracks: Corporate and Investment Banking, Wealth Management, and Asset Management. The programme is also recognised as a CFA Programme Partner, giving our graduates a head-start in their preparation for the CFA qualification.Human Resource ConsultingThe only Human Resource Consulting major in the Asia-Pacific region that prepares graduates for the strategic role of developing the organisation’s human resource for competitive advantage. Some cutting-edge courses include Strategic HR & Consulting, HR Metrics and Learning & Performance Development.Information TechnologyWith a state-of-the-art curriculum that combines IT competency with business domain knowledge, this unique program produces IT-savvy professionals who are much sought after by banks, consultancy firms, and IT vendors. Taught by the top Business-IT faculty in Asia, this highly-interactive programme also incorporate hands-on learning with SAP, Oracle and Sun applications. A NBS-Singapore Computer Society Student Chapter also allows for professional networking and mentoring.MarketingThe curriculum has a strong global perspective and a very practical orientation. It is a highly interactive programme, with emphasis on thinking skills, imagination and creativity. The programme focuses on International Marketing, with courses in International Business, Cross-Cultural Buyer Behaviour and Global Market Strategy. Our students go on to find jobs in virtually every industry.Tourism and Hospitality ManagementDesigned in collaboration with the Cornell-Nanyang Institute, the Singapore Tourism Board and major industry players, this major prepares students for the high growth tourism and hospitality industry. The innovative courses that build broad competencies include Economics of Tourism, Electronic Distribution, Revenue Management, and International Tourism & Hospitality Development.Learning from the best professors in the business, exposure to constantly up-to-date curriculum and teaching pedagogy approaches, coupled with flexibility to encourage students to pursue exciting options such as overseas exchange, university minors, second majors, applied research projects and dovetailed with a compulsory internship stint, our graduates are guaranteed to perform well in the ever-demanding and challenging new global economy.以master为例:toefl:600 (paper-based) 250 (computer-based)100 (Internet-based)地址及具体内容详见:


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