谁知道加拿大会计专业 大学课程都学什么急求答案,帮忙回答下
这个是一所公立学校的会计课程部分设置说明,希望对你有帮助AccountingCurriculumSemester 1 * Subject Name Hrs/WkACC120 Accounting Basics I 4BUS106 Business - Its Nature and Environment 4EAC150 College English 3ICA001 Introduction to Computers and Applications 2QNM106 Mathematics of Finance 4SSC100 Success Strategies for College 2 Semester 2 * Subject Name Hrs/WkACC220 Accounting Basics II 4MRK108 Marketing I 3OBR250 Organizational Behaviour 3QNM222 Business Statistics 4SMS216 Systems Studies I 3XXXXXX General Education Option 3 Semester 3 Subject Name Hrs/WkACC416 Intermediate Accounting Part 1 4ALW381 Business Law for Accounting 4EAC349 Business Communication for Accounting 4ECN501 Introduction to Principles of Economics - Micro 3SMS315 System Studies II 4 Semester 4 Subject Name Hrs/WkACC400 Taxation 4ACC417 Intermediate Accounting Part II 4ACC433 Managerial Accounting 4ECN502 Introduction to Principles of Economics - Macro 3SMS416 Systems Studies III 4XXXXXX General Education Option 3