
求一份Study Plan 留美签证需要



求一份Study Plan 留美签证需要,麻烦给回复




也可以从学校网页下载吧。不过还是问学校比较好, 有时候签证需要的 study plan 需要有校方签名的和盖印之类的。Study Plan : 就是第一个学期你准备读什么,第二个学期又是什么以此类推,不过一般还要考虑到大学有没有在那个学期里有你想要修读的科目。基本上签证需要是要知道你能在几年里完成科目。

求一份Study Plan 留美签证需要


I am writing to express my desire to study in Canada.As a high school graduated student, I faced the circumstances: going to a domestic university or studying abroad for higher education. After considering carefully, I choose the latter one. I decided to attend a foreign university and spend four years there.To choose which country to stay in is one of the biggest investments in life. Keep these in mind, I consider Canada as my first choice. First of all, I want to take Computer Science as my major in university, the best technologies and the outstanding facilities are in western countries. I will definitely choose the most advanced one, such as Canada. Secondary, it is the cultural mosaic. Since the society in Canada is multicultural, open and tolerant, I am sure, sturdy in Canada is a wonderful way to broaden my horizons, to experience a foreign culture first-hand and to strength my value system. In addition, the safe, clean and beautiful campuses are famous all over the world. Moreover, the low cost of both tuition and living, which I can afford, is another important factor that I choose to study in Canada.I intend to go to the University of New Brunswick (UNB). This university has a long history of educational excellence. By reputation, UNB is one of top ten universities in Canada. Recognizing the fact the UNB offers a safe, friendly community, a wide range of courses, a low student-to-faculty ratio and the free atmosphere, should drive me to conclude that UNB is the university suitable for me. Also, I want to obtain a degree from a university that will be recognized worldwide, and I believe my degree from UNB will be.My parents will afford all my expenses in Canada. The amount of money they have saved is sufficient for my four-year study there. Further more, both of them can still receive stable high salaries in next several years. Parents always give their children the best, so do mine. They will never regret what they spent on my education; there is a no exception this time.I will definitely come back to China after I accomplish my study. What I will learn at UNB is highly and urgently need to China. As the whole world can see, the IT industry in China is thriving at a surprisingly high speed. China's economic situation pulls everyone's heartstrings, especially the student abroad. The opportunities spawned by China's need for IT professionals are already attracting an increasing number of Chinese students and scholars overseas, and many of them have achieved great success here. Those who have returned are often charged with responsibilities that they cannot usually hope to shoulder abroad. I am also the one who wants to do some contribution to IT industry, so I will set up my own computer company in China. With my deep understanding of China , the ability to communicate with Chinese and my own persisting effort, I can be successful, I think . Equally important, China's entry to the WTO and the Development of the Western Regions will absolutely mean more opportunities and challenges to me. Of course, I will not let the opportunities skip beside me. And then , my parents ,who have showered so much love and affection on me , will still be in China when I set out for Canada. The same with many other Chinese families, my parents and I are dependent upon each other for emotional support. As has been said , China's prospective future and my parents will absolutely drive me home-China, I will be very glad to develop my career here China.


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