
求英语学习计划study plan 一份生物化学方面



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生物化学研究所成立於 六十一年,现於南港院区和国立 大学校总区各有一座研究大楼,创所至今一直与国立 大学理学院生化科学研究所进行建教合作,共享教学和研究资源,合作无间,相得益彰。

现在参与的研究人员包括研究员、副研究员、助研究员、博士后研究学者、研究助理、硕士班和博士班研究生等共约215人,此外尚有技术和行政等支援人员共16人。生化所现拥有各研究领域所需的仪器,研究人员也专精於各项技术,诸如蛋白质和核酸的微量分析与定序、核酸、胜月太及醣类之合成、质谱和核磁共振之分析、蛋白质及核酸晶体解析、蛋白质体及功能基因体探讨等。研究方向生化所继续以往在蛋白质化学、生物物理和分子及细胞生物学的优厚基础,探讨基因和蛋白质之间的交互作用、各种酵素、毒蛇蛇毒、动物生殖的相关蛋白质和贺尔蒙等特殊主题。同时,生化所持续地评估新的研究方向和领域,期使能对本院在功能基因体学及 生物技术研究计画的整体努力有所贡献。生化所研究人员目前的研究领域包含生殖相关的荷尔蒙研究、细菌及动植物组织之酵素、有机合成相关酵素、毒蛇毒素及其细胞膜蛋白受体、生殖系统相关蛋白质、眼球水晶体蛋白及转录因子等。上述研究领域皆使用分子生物及细胞学方法以探讨其生物物理及生物化学上的相关特性。生化所自 八十五年搬迁到目前新址后,设立新的分子及细胞醣生物学的研究室,以期对於醣蛋白及醣聚合体的结构功能与生合成有进一步的了解。特别值得注意的是面对后基因体时代新的研究挑战,生化所将上述分歧的研究领域整合成以下五个主要的核心研究方向: (1)生殖及受体生化学(2)蛋白质及生物有机化学(3) 醣质生物学(4) 基因调控(5) 结构生物学及分子生物物理学在这些研究领域中,生化所的目标在於追求研究的高品质与优越性,并强调所内研究主持人员的计画合作及提升。重要研究成果生化所研究人员积极参与国内外的各种学术活动,也参与各种国际学术刊物,例如 Journal of Biological Chemistry, European Journal of Biochemistry, Glycobiology, BBA, Analytical Biochemistry, 以及Biology of Reproduction等的编辑与审稿。除了国内大学的教学工作,生化所的研究人员也应邀担任国与内外学术研讨会的专题演讲,并参加国家科学委员会与国家卫生研究院研究计画的审查和视察等。 八十九年至九十年间,生化所研究人员於国际期刊共发表105篇高品质的论文。--------------Biochemistry Institute was established in 1972, South at National Taiwan University Hospital and the school district have a research building since its founding has been with the National Taiwan University School of Biochemical Science Institute offers Sharing teaching and research resources and co-operatively with each other. Now involved in the study included researchers, research fellow and assistant research fellows and post-doctoral researchers, research assistants, master's and doctoral graduate students for a total of about 215 people, in addition to any other technical and administrative support staff of 16 people. Biochemical studies have now has all the necessary equipment, researchers are also specialized technical, Trace analysis, such as protein and nucleic acid sequencing, nucleic acid, and carbohydrate synthesis Katsuki too, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis. Crystal protein and nucleic acid analysis, protein bodies and other functional genomic study. Protein biochemistry research in the past has continued to chemistry, cell biology and molecular biophysics and of the liberal base explore the interaction between genes and proteins, various enzymes, snakes, venom, Animal reproductive hormone-related protein and special themes. Meanwhile, biochemical studies are continuing to assess new directions and areas, so that the hospital can learn in the functional genomics and biotechnology research in Taiwan to contribute to the overall effort. Biochemical studies currently includes areas of study related to the reproductive hormones, bacteria and animal and plant tissue enzyme, organic synthesis related enzymes, and membrane protein poisonous snake toxin receptor-related protein reproductive system. ocular lens protein and transcription factor. The study area cytology and molecular biology methods were used to investigate the biophysical and biochemical characteristics. Biochemical has since relocated to the new site in 1996 after the establishment of a new sugar molecular and cell biology research. For sugar to the structure and function of proteins and sugar polymer synthesis and students have a better understanding. Particularly noteworthy is the face of the new challenges after the genome era, these biochemical differences are five main areas of research are integrated into the core of research : (1) reproductive health and chemical receptor (2) protein and Bioorganic Chemistry (3) Sugar biology (4) gene regulation ( 5) structural biology and molecular biophysics research in these fields, Biochemical studies have pursued the goal of high quality and superiority. It also stressed that the presiding officer of the plan to study and enhance cooperation. Biochemical studies of important research achievements at home and abroad to actively participate in various academic activities, also participated in various international academic journals. For example, Journal of Biological Chemistry. European Journal of Biochemistry. Glycobiology, Bush Boake Allen, Analytical Biochemistry. Biology of Reproduction, and the other editors and peer review. In addition to university teaching, Biochemical studies have also been invited to the symposium with a keynote speech outside. and the National Science Council and the National Health Research Institute to participate in research on the review and inspections. In the year 2000 to 2001, as biochemical researchers published 105 articles in international journals of high-quality papers.

求英语学习计划study plan 一份生物化学方面


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