















诺瓦艺术与设计大学(NSCAD University) 位于加拿大东部新斯科舍省(Nova Scotia)首府哈利法克斯市(Halifax), 交通方便,是欧洲和美国进入加拿大的交汇点, 是加拿大的旅游胜地。

Nova University of art and design (NSCAD University) is located in the eastern Nova Scotia Canada (Nova Scotia), the capital of Halifax (Halifax), the transportation is convenient, is the intersection of the Europe and the United States into Canada is the Canadian tourist resort.

建于1887年, 迄今有120多年的建校历史, 作为北美地区建校最早的艺术类大学, 本校在视觉艺术领域在北美地区一直位于领先和核心地位, 为世界各地培养了众多的知名艺术家,包括肯尼迪家族的Garry Neill Kennedy等.由于本校在艺术领域所享有的崇高地位,每年吸引了众多来自欧洲亚洲美洲和非洲的艺术家, 学者和留学生。

Was built in 1887, has more than 120 years of its history, as in North America was the first university of the arts, the school in the field of visual art in North America has been in the leading and core position, with many well-known artists around the world, including the Kennedy family Garry Neill Kennedy, etc. Because the school enjoys a lofty position in the field of art, every year attracts many artists from Asia Europe America and Africa, academics and students.


This school provides into the various stages in the field of art courses, including art foundation, bachelor, master, doctor, all stages of the study, research and writing courses, covering areas of artistic comment, art education, technology, design, art, multimedia design and other major fields.



Alberta art design institute is experienced in art, design, new media education, and treatment of liberalism and practical theory.

ACAD 拥有宽敞的教室并采用小班式教学,实行一对一的互动教学,学校通过各种技术、工具以及智力刺激等方法鼓励学生发现和开发他们的潜力和激情,为学生提供了一个有利于发展的开阔环境。

ACAD tools have the spacious classroom and USES the small class teaching, one-to-one interaction teaching, the school through various techniques, tools, and intellectual stimulation and other methods to encourage students to discover and develop their potential and passion, provides students with an environment conducive to the development of the open.


Undergraduate major recommendation: painting, plastic, prints, drawings, photography, visual communication design (including illustrations), ceramics, jewelry design, fiber products, glass products, media art + digital technology, etc.

3. 艾米丽卡尔艺术与设计大学


Established in 1925, Emily carr's university of arts and design is a public school in vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, which is a university of the city specializing in decorating and applying fine arts.


Emily carr university of art and design is one of the oldest British Columbia qualification is specially designed for art, media and education course in colleges and universities, one of the world's leading art colleges, one of the old universities of British Columbia, is also one of Canada's top four independent art colleges. It is recognized in the world in visual arts, film and television arts and design with innovative and outstanding style of the university.


Undergraduate professional recommendation: animation, social media, media design, industrial design, interaction design, innovative culture practice, integrated media, creative writing, indoor art, illustration, photography and visual arts, ceramics, sculpture, painting, oil painting, print media, drawings, film and television production


安大略艺术设计学院是一所公立大学,学校坐落于加拿大安大略省多伦多市。学校毗邻Grange Park,横穿安大略艺术馆(Art Gallery of Ontario)。

The Ontario college of art and design is a public university located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The school is next to Grange Park, across the Art Gallery of Ontario.


Ontario college of art design is Canada's oldest and largest of art and design education, university of its kind in North America more than 40 ranked the top three, for a long time to create a large number of artists and designers, is known as Canada's university of "imagination".


Undergraduate professional recommendation: advertisement design, graphic design, illustration design, environmental design, industrial design, material art and design, painting, comprehensive media, photography, engraving, engraving.



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