






总共有三场的debate分别在Itv, sky, BBC。我只找到4月15日在itv那场主题是:英国国内时事地址是:或者你用百度搜一下prime ministerial debate transcript下面是一些摘录:三党**开场白:NICK CLEGG: I believe the way things are is not the way things have to be. You'regoing to be told tonight by these two that the only choice you canmake is between two old parties who've been running things foryears. I'm here to persuade you that there is an alternative. I thinkwe have a fantastic opportunity to do things differently for once. Ifwe do things differently, we can create the fair society, the faircountry we all want: a fair tax system, better schools, an economyno longer held hostage by greedy bankers, decent, open politics.Those are the changes I believe in. I really wouldn't be standinghere tonight if I didn't think they were all possible. So don't letanyone tell you that the only choice is old politics. We can dosomething new; we can do something different this time. That'swhat I'm about; that's what the Liberal Democrats offer.GORDON BROWN: These are no ordinary times, and this is no ordinary election. We'vejust been going through the biggest global financial crisis in ourlives, and we're moving from recession to recovery, and I believewe're moving on a road to prosperity for all. Now, every promise youhear from each of us this evening depends on one thing: a strongeconomy. And this is the defining year. Get the decisions right now,and we can have secure jobs, we can have standards of livingrising, and we can have everybody better off. Get the decisionswrong now, and we could have a double-dip recession. Andbecause we believe in fairness, as we cut the deficit, over thesenext few years, we will protect your police, your National HealthService, and we will protect your schools. I know what this jobinvolves; I look forward to putting my plan to you this evening.DAVID CAMERON: I think it's great we're having these debates, and I hope they gosome way to restore some of the faith and some of the trust into ourpolitics, because we badly need that once again in this country. Theexpenses saga brought great shame on parliament. I'm extremelysorry for everything that happened. Your politicians, frankly all of us,let you down. Now, there is a big choice at this election: we can goon as we are, or we can say no, Britain can do much better; we candeal with our debts, we can get our economy growing and avoid thisjobs tax, and we can build a bigger society. But we can only do thisif we recognise we need join together, we need to come together,we need to recognise we're all in this together. Now, not everythingLabour has done in the last 13 years has been wrong - they've donesome good things and I would keep those, but we need change, andit's that change I want to help to lead.



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