
US NEWS 2007美国大学综合排名



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US NEWS 2007美国大学综合排名


美 国 综 合 性 大 学 US News 排 名学校名称 07年 06年 05年 05-07年 Princeton University(NJ)1 1 1 1 Harvard University(MA)2 1 1 1 Yale University(CT)3 3 3 3 California Institute of Technology 4 7 8 6 Stanford University(CA)4 5 5 5 Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 4 7 5 5 University of Pennsylvania 7 4 4 5 Duke University(NC)8 5 5 6 Dartmouth College(NH)9 9 9 9 Columbia University(NY)9 9 9 9 University of Chicago 9 15 14 13 Cornell University(NY)12 13 14 13 Washington University in St. Louis 12 11 11 11 Northwestern University(IL)14 12 11 12 Brown University(RI)15 15 13 14 Johns Hopkins University(MD)16 13 14 14 Rice University(TX)17 17 17 17 Vanderbilt University(TN)18 18 18 18 Emory University(GA)18 20 20 19 University of Notre Dame(IN)20 18 18 19 Carnegie Mellon University(PA)21 22 22 22 University of California—Berkeley * 21 20 21 21 Georgetown University(DC)23 23 25 24 University of Virginia * 24 23 22 23 University of Michigan—Ann Arbor * 24 25 22 24 Univ. of California—Los Angeles * 26 25 25 25 U. of North Carolina—Chapel Hill * 27 27 29 28 Univ. of Southern California 27 30 30 29 Tufts University(MA)27 27 28 27 Wake Forest University(NC)30 27 27 28 College of William and Mary(VA) * 31 31 31 31 Brandeis University(MA)31 34 32 32 Lehigh University(PA)33 32 37 34 Univ. of Wisconsin—Madison * 34 34 32 33 Boston College 34 40 37 37 New York University 34 37 32 34 University of Rochester(NY)34 34 37 35 Case Western Reserve Univ.(OH)38 37 35 37 Univ. of California—San Diego * 38 32 35 35 Georgia Institute of Technology * 38 37 41 39 U. of Illinois—Urbana - Champaign * 41 42 37 40 University of Washington * 42 45 46 44 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.(NY)42 43 46 44 University of California—Irvine * 44 40 43 42 Tulane University(LA) 1144 43 43 43 Yeshiva University(NY)44 45 49 46 Pennsylvania State U.—University Park * 47 48 50 48 University of Texas—Austin * 47 52 46 48 University of California—Davis * 47 48 42 46 Univ. of California—Santa Barbara * 47 45 45 46 University of Florida * 47 50 50 49 George Washington University(DC)52 53 52 52 Syracuse University(NY)52 50 52 51 Pepperdine University(CA)54 55 52 54 University of Miami(FL)54 55 58 56 Univ. of Maryland—College Park * 54 55 56 55 Ohio State University—Columbus * 57 60 62 60 University of Pittsburgh * 57 58 66 60 Boston University 57 60 56 58 Miami University—Oxford(OH) * 60 66 62 63 Texas A&M Univ.—College Station * 60 60 62 61 University of Georgia * 60 58 58 59 Rutgers—New Brunswick(NJ) * 60 60 58 59 Purdue Univ.—West Lafayette(IN) * 64 60 62 62 University of Iowa * 64 60 58 61 Worcester Polytechnic Inst.(MA)64 53 55 57 University of Connecticut * 67 68 66 67 University of Delaware * 67 66 66 66 Univ. of Minnesota—Twin Cities * 67 74 66 69 Clemson University(SC) * 70 78 74 74 Southern Methodist University(TX)70 71 71 71 Brigham Young Univ.—Provo(UT)70 71 74 72 Indiana University—Bloomington * 70 74 71 72 Michigan State University * 70 74 71 72 Fordham University(NY)70 68 70 69 Univ. of California—Santa Cruz * 76 68 74 73 Virginia Tech * 77 78 74 76 University of Colorado—Boulder * 77 78 74 76 St. Louis University 77 78 81 79 Stevens Institute of Technology(NJ)77 71 81 76 North Carolina State U.—Raleigh * 81 78 86 82 Baylor University(TX)81 78 84 81 Marquette University(WI)81 85 90 85 Iowa State University * 81 85 84 83 Clark University(MA)81 84 74 80 American University(DC)86 85 86 86 SUNY—Binghamton * 86 74 74 78 University of Tulsa(OK)88 93 90 90 University of Tennessee * 88 85 90 88 University of Vermont * 88 93 90 90 University of Alabama * 88 104 86 93 Auburn University(AL) * 88 85 90 88 Univ. of California—Riverside * 88 85 81 85 University of Denver 88 85 90 88 Howard University(DC)88 93 90 90 University of Kansas * 88 97 90 92 Univ. of Missouri—Columbia * 88 109 86 94 University of Arizona * 98 97 98 98 University of the Pacific(CA)98 104 111 104 Northeastern University(MA)98 115 120 111 Univ. of Massachusetts—Amherst * 98 104 98 100 Univ. of Nebraska—Lincoln * 98 97 98 98 SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry * 98 93 98 96 SUNY—Stony Brook * 98 97 106 100 University of New Hampshire * 105 97 98 100 Texas Christian University 105 97 98 100 University of Dayton(OH)105 104 98 102 University of San Diego 105 104 106 105 Illinois Institute of Technology 105 97 106 103 Ohio University * 110 109 98 106 Florida State University * 110 109 111 110 University of Missouri—Rolla * 112 109 106 109 University of Kentucky * 112 120 120 117 Loyola University Chicago 112 115 111 113 Washington State University * 112 120 120 117 University of San Francisco 112 115 111 113 Univ. of South Carolina—Columbia * 112 109 117 113 Drexel University(PA)112 109 106 109 University of Oklahoma * 112 109 120 114 University of Utah * 120 120 111 117 University of Oregon * 120 115 117 117 Catholic University of America(DC)120 120 111 117 University at Buffalo—SUNY * 120 115 120 118 Colorado State University * 124 120 117 120 Kansas State University * 124 125 130 126 New Jersey Inst. of Technology * 124 125 130 126注:‘*’表示公立学校;‘*’ denotes a public school


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