你好!你的雅思成绩是多少呢?其实去美国还是有个托福成绩比较占优势,对于雅思要求7分甚至更高。去美国学法律奖学金很少的,所以基本等于是去砸钱,既然如此就选个好学校吧,可以参考法律专业TOP14,再结合综合排行。这个需要一个学校一个学校具体去看啦!可以多申几所,有冲击也有保底。另外你的GPA啊,还有其他申请材料也是非常重要的,所以建议选择一家有资质的中介机构详细咨询一下,咨询是免费的。 补充:你去美国读LLM基本上只能拿到那种被派回中国办事处的工作,JD的话可以争取到留美,差距就是美元工资和人民币工资了。还有别的问题也可以给我留言。祝你成功!
关于有哪些美国的LLM认可雅思,建议你可以去官网上下载一份美国认可院校清单,我曾经在百度文档里也上传过,你可以搜搜看。整体来说,认可雅思的LLM项目有这么些,你看看有没有你比较感兴趣的院校:Albany Law School - 6.0 American University, Washington College of Law - 6.5 Arizona State University, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law - 6.5 (单项不低于 6.0) Brigham Young University, J. Reuben Clark Law School - 7.0 Capital University - 7.0 Case Western Reserve University, School of Law,LLM In US Legal Studies - 7.0 Duke University, School of Law - 7.5 Franklin Pierce Law Center - 6.0 George Washington University, School of Law - 6.0 Georgetown University, School of Law - 7.0 (单项不低于6.5) Indiana University, School of Law - 7.0 Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, School of Law - 6.5 Law School Admission Council - 具体分数请咨询院校Lewis and Clark Law School - 8.0 Northwestern California University School of Law - 6.0 Ohio State University, Mortiz College of Law - 8.0 Pennsylvania State University, Dickinson School of Law - 6.5 Santa Clara University, School of Law - 7.0 Southern Illinois University, School of Law - 具体分数请咨询院校Southwestern Law School - 6.5 St. John’s University, School of Law LL.M. in U.S. Legal Studies - 7.0 Suffolk University, Law School - 具体分数请咨询院校Temple University, Beasly School of Law - 6.5 Tufts University, The Fletcher School of Law - 7.0 Tulane University Law School - 7.0 University of Alabama, School of Law - 6.5 University of Arizona, Rogers College of Law- 7.0 University of Arkansas, College of Law - 6.5 University of Baltimore School of Law J.D./ MPA program - 6.5 University of California, Berkeley School of Law - 7.0 University of Chicago, The Law School - 7.0 University of Denver, Sturm College of Law - 7.0 University of Hawaii at Manoa William S. Richardson School of Law - 具体分数请咨询院校University of Houston, Law Center - 7.0 University of Illinois, College of Law - 6.5 University of Iowa, School of Law - 7.0 University of Michigan, Law School - 7.0 University of Minnesota, Law School - 6.5 University of Missouri, School of Law - 具体分数请咨询院校University of New Hampshire - 6.5 University of Notre Dame Law School (JD, LLM, JSD) - 7.5 University of Oregon, School of Law - 7.0 University of Pennsylvania, School of Law - 7.0 University of Pittsburgh, School of Law - 7.0 University of San Francisco, School of Law - 7.0 University of Texas at Austin, School of Law,The Master of Laws Program- 7.0 University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law - 具体分数请咨询院校University of Virginia, School of Law - 7.5 University of Washington School of Law - 7.0 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Law School - 7.0 Vermont Law School - 6.0 Wake Forest University School of Law - 7.0 Wayne State University, College of Law - 6.5 Willamette University College of Law - 6.5