






美国大学GRE分数 >290291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296,297,298,299,300.Northwest Missouri State UniversityLamar UniversityIllinois State University, NormalUniversity of LouisvilleTexas A & M University, CommerceColorado Technical University, Colorado SpringsBoise State university, IdahoMontana State University, BozemanSouth Dakota School of Mines & technologyNorth Carolina Agricultural & Tech State UniversitySouthern Illinois University, CarbondaleFlorida International universityNorth Dakota State UniversityWestern Kentucky UniversityBradley UniversityCleveland State UniversityUniversity of Bridgeport –CT代顿大学(University of Dayton) –OhioTexas A & M university, KingsvilleUniversity of West Florida, PensacolaEastern Michigan UniversityMinnesota State University, MankatoSuffolk University, MAUniversity of North Carolina, GreensboroNew Mexico Institute of Mining &Tech.University of Central ArkansasSoutheastern University, DCUniversity of HawaiiUniversity of Texas, TylerEastern Washington UniversitySouthern Oregon University, AshlandUniversity of Texas at San AntonioState University of West GeorgiaBall State UniversityUniversity of Texas El PasoColumbus State UniversityArkansas State University丹佛大学(University of Denver)North Dakota State UniversityNew York Institute of TechnologyCalifornia State University, ChicoDakota State UniversitySt Cloud State University马凯特大学(Marquette University)美国大学GRE分数 ( Below 290)260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 289.Temple University, PACity College of the City of New YorkNortheastern Illinois UniversityUniversity of Detroit MercyUniversity of Arkansas Little RockCalifornia State University, FresnoAlabama A & M UniversityWidener University, PennsylvaniaAlcorn State UniversityGannon UniversityUniversity of Findlay-OhioSan Diego State University, CaliforniaBall State UniversityNorthwestern Polytechnic UniversityJacksonville State UniversitySaint Joseph UniversityChapman UniversityKent State UniversityFerris State UniversityUniversity of New Haven, CTFarleigh Dickinson University, New JerseyState University of New York, AlbanyCollege of William & MaryEast Tennessee State UniversitySouthwest Texas State University, San MarcosDePaul UniversityMc Neese State UniversityOakland UniversitySam Houston State UniversitySan Jose state UniversityWilliam Patterson UniversityWestern Carolina UniversityUniversity of Central OklahomaWidener UniversityUniversity of St Thomas, MNWestern Illinois universityBowling Green State University, OhioDelaware State UniversityState University of New York, New PaltzCentral Michigan UniversityUniversity of Southern MississippiIndian University South BendSaint Mary’s University San AntonioShippensburg University, PAEast Tennessee State UniversityUniversity of Texas, Pan AmericaJackson State UniversityOklahoma City UniversityFrostburg State UniversityLa Salle University, PAAlfred UniversityMonmouth University-New JerseySouthern New Hampshire UniversityRoosevelt University ChicagoDrake universityShippensburg University of PennsylvaniaDuquesne UniversityGeorgia College & State UniversityGeorgia Southern UniversityKennesaw State UniversityLong Island UniversityLoyola University ChicagoNorthern Kentucky UniversityLawrence Tech UniversityClark Atlanta UniversityCalifornia State University, NorthridgeCatholic University of America, WashingtonOhio Dominican College (University), OhioFerris State University, MichiganFitchburg State University, MAHawaii Pacific University, HawaiiNorthwood University, MichiganJohnson and Wales University, RIGovernors State University, Parkway ILTroy State University, AlabamaStevens Institute of TechnologyFlorida Atlantic University, Boca RatonGolden Gate UniversityHoward UniversityDominican University以上数据由(上海国际教育网(提供)仅供参考。



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