






你要去读什么专业呢??University of Iowa的本科花费不同专业是不一样的~~College of Liberal Arts and SciencesThese cost estimates are for international students enrolling as full-time undergraduates in the 2009-10 academic year. Resident Nonresident Tuition $5,782 $21,156 Computer Lab Fee 417 417 Student Health Fee 219 219 Student Activity Fee 63 63 Building Fee 119 119 Student Services Fee 73 73 Student Union Fee 108 108 Career Services Fee 19 19 Arts and Cultural Events Fee 24 24 International Student Fee 120 120 Books 1,090 1,090 Health Insurance 1,356 1,356 Living Expenses 8,000 8,000 Total (U.S. dollars) $17,390$32,764-costs.htm这是爱荷华大学官方网站国际学生不同专业花费, 很清楚, 你上去看看吧



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爱荷华大学 本科生学习费用(美元),学费:22,198,总费用为 34,812研究生学习费用根据各个学院为标准。会比本科生低一点,要看你一共会修多少个学分。77785290美国留学群


Tuition $6,478 $19,360 Student Health Fee 210 210 Computer Lab Fee 0 245 Student Activity Fee 60 60 Building Fee 119 119 Student Services Fee 65 65 Student Union Fee 104 104 Orientation Fee 185 185 International Student Fee 120 120 Books 1,040 1,040 Health Insurance 316 1,356 Living Expenses 8,000 8,000 Total (in U.S. dollars) $16,697 $30,864


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