






美国医学哪个学校最好呢 最近有很多学生咨询美国医学院的问题,下面给大家总结一下美国排名前十的医学院供大家选校的时候参考。

1. HarvardMedicalSchool, Boston. 哈佛 Tuition: $45,050 Fees: $3,467 Room and Board: $12,900 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $103,663 Total Enrollment: 725 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; neurology surgery; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; and radiology. 2. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. 宾州医学院 Tuition: $43,960 Fees: $3,212 Room and Board: $18,796 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $119,800 Total Enrollment: 608 Most Popular Residency Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; internal medicine; ophthalmology; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general). 3. JohnsHopkinsUniversity, Baltimore. 霍普金斯大学医学院 Tuition: $41,200 Fees: $4,810 Room and Board: $17,986 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $102,376 Total Enrollment: 463 Most Popular Residency Programs: Anesthesiology; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; otolaryngology; pediatrics; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general). 4. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.华盛顿大学医学院 Tuition: $48,800 Fees: $0 Room and Board: $10,542 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $100,275 Total Enrollment: 493 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; and radiology (diagnostic). 5 (Tie). Duke University, Durham, N.C. 杜克大学医学院 Tuition: $44,482 Fees: $3,221 Room and Board: $14,160 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $112,792 Total Enrollment: 422 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; internal medicine (pediatrics); ophthalmology; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; radiology (diagnostic); surgery (general); and urology. 5 (Tie). Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.斯坦福大学医学院 Tuition: $44,196 Fees: $621 Room and Board: $24,162 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $90,006 Total Enrollment: 456 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general). 5 (Tie). University of California, San Francisco. 加州大学旧金山分校医学院 Tuition: $0 (in state); $12,245 (out of state) Fees: $30,474 Room and Board: $19,636 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $105,314 Total Enrollment: 618 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; emergency medicine; family practice; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general). 5 (Tie). Yale University, New Haven, Conn.耶鲁大学医学院 Tuition: $45,600 Fees: $500 Room and Board: $11,590 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $122,247 Total Enrollment: 382 Most Popular Programs: Dermatology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; neurological surgery; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and radiation oncology. 9. University of Washington, Seattle. 华盛顿大学医学院 Tuition: $23,049 (in state); $52,029 (out of state) Fees: $475 Room and Board: $15,843 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $121,193 Total Enrollment: 926 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; emergency medicine; family practice; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; orthopedic surgery; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general). 10 (Tie). Columbia University, New York. 哥伦比亚大学医学院 Tuition: $46,212 Fees: $4,750 Room and Board: $15,531 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $131,385 Total Enrollment: 638 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general). 10. (Tie) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.密西根大学医学院 Tuition: $27,928 (in state); $44,666 (out of state) Fees: $4,750 Room and Board: $15,531 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $131,385 Total Enrollment: 665 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; emergency medicine; family practice; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; pathology (anatomic and clinical); pediatrics; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general). 通过上面对美国医学哪个学校最好的解读,相信对于很多计划申请美国研究生的学生可以参考上面的信息来提前做好申请美国研究生的准备和规划。



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