






英国的大学生活有何不同 College Life in the UK The UK is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. There are over 2 million students registered in higher education in the UK, including students from overseas. As a result, the UK has a thriving student scene, with over 325 institutions of higher education to choose from, according to the UK's Universities and Colleges Admissions Service.If you're considering going to school in the UK, there are some distinct differences between college life there and in other parts of the world. 英国的大学生活有何不同? 英国由英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰组成。

国内高校注册学生超过两百万,其中包括海外留学生。据英国高等院校招生办指出,目前英国的生源一派壮观,并有超过325家高等教育机构供其选择。 如果你正考虑去英国进修,就先了解一下该国大学和其他国家的有哪些明显区别。 Benefits Students in the UK are notoriously low on money. Fortunately, there are scores of student discounts available for people studying in the UK. With a Young Person's Railcard, students can save a third off of train fares. In London, students qualify for a student oyster card, which allows for discounted travel in the city. There are also student nights at bars and restaurants, student discounts at clothing stores and reduced prices for cinema tickets. Student discounts are typically given upon presentation of a valid student card from a UK university. 益处 在英国的学生是出了名的钱不够花。幸运的是,英国的学生可享许多学生折扣。持学生火车优惠卡,就可节约三分之一的火车费。在伦敦,学生可以申请牡蛎卡,该卡可以在市里打折旅游。也有酒吧和餐厅为学生开放折扣夜,还有服装折扣店和电影打折票。但这些折扣都需要出示英国大学的学生证。 Work To earn extra money while studying, students often pick up part-time jobs at bars, cafes or in retail shops. International students on a student visa are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during term times and full-time during breaks in study. Universities usually offer resources that assist students in securing part-time work. These resources may be in the form of a notice board at the student union or a website with job advertisements aimed at students looking for casual hours. 工作 若想半工半读,酒吧、咖啡店和零售商店的兼职工作通常是学生们的不二选择。办有学生签证的国际留学生可以在上学期间每周工作20小时,假期里进行全职工作。大学通常会提供资源保障学生兼职工作的安全性。这些资源可能以告示板的形式出现在学生会里,或者是针对寻求工作的学生而贴在网站里的招聘广告。 Study Degree courses in the UK differ from those offered in the United States and other countries. The length of time spent working towards a degree can be as little as one year or over four years. It is not a standard four-year program, as in the United States. Individual classes are called modules, and students must pass the required modules to earn their degree. 学习 英国的学位课程跟美国或其他国家的不同。花在攻读学位上的时间可以短至一年或长达四年开外。有别于美国传统的四年学制。单独课程叫做模块,学生必须通过规定的模块才能取得学位。 Housing Student housing comes in two forms: "living in" or "living out." Living in is accommodation that is university owned. These places tend to be closer to campus and are usually less expensive, as bills tend to be included. Students that live out rent properties not affiliated with the university. Although those living out are able to choose their flatmates and don't have to adhere to the rules of university housing, they are also faced with the hassle of dealing with landlords. 住宿 学生住宿分两种形式:住校生和走读生。住校生就是住在大学提供的住处里。这些住房通常离学校比较近,也较便宜,费用都包括在学费里。走读生就是租赁非学校名下的住处。虽然走读的学生可以选择他们的室友并且不受大学宿舍的管制,但他们还是不得不处理与房东间的麻烦事。 Social Life Students have a broad range of social activities to choose from, both in and out of the university. The UK has a strong pub culture, and student drink specials at pubs and nightclubs tend to draw big crowds of students. Additionally, students can get involved with university-sponsored activities such as student newspapers, special-interest clubs and sporting teams. 社交生活 无论是住校生还是走读生,他们都有广泛的社交圈。英国的酒馆文化特别浓烈,在酒吧或夜店喝特价酒的学生喜欢聚在一堆。此外,学生还可以参加大学赞助的活动,比如学生新闻社,特长俱乐部和运动队。 Misconceptions In the UK, "college" is different from "university." College is similar to the American concept of eleventh and twelfth grades. It is where students can go to complete their pre-university education, or to focus on learning a vocation such as hairdressing or auto repair. Universities are degree-awarding bodies, generally offering three- to four-year programs. 误解 在英国,学院跟大学有所区别。学院类似于美国理念中的11年级和12年级。该阶段的学生可以完成预科教育,或者专门学习一项技能,如美容或汽车维修。而大学就是学位授予机构,通常的学制是3-4年。



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