









学业要求:新罕布什尔州注册会计师考试申请人必须拥有由州会计委员会承认的大学所颁发的学士学位,且有至少一百二十个总学时。申请人还必须有至少二十四个商科学时。在这二十四个商科学时当中,在州会计委员会承认的大学院校所上的会计学时不得少于十二个。First-time(and transfer)applicants must meet each of the following:1.A conferred bachelors degree from a recognized university or college that is accredited;AND2.Either within the bachelors degree or earned outside the bachelors from a recognized university or college that is accredited,a candidate must have a minimum of 120 credit hours;AND3.A minimum of twenty four(24)semester hours in business of which 12 must be in accounting earned either within the bachelor’s degree or earned outside the bachelors degree from a recognized university or college that is accredited.学业评估:注会考试申请人须在申请考试前满足上述学业要求。申请人应向注册会计师考试服务处寄交其大学正式成绩单。成绩单必须反映出该申请者已获得学士学位。美国国外院校的成绩单必须由评估公司予以逐科评估。该评估公司必须是美国全国学业评估服务协会(NACES)的成员之一。如申请人在申请注册会计师考试前申请学业评估预审,须向注册会计师考试服务处学业评估部递交学业预审申请表、五十美元的预审费用、大学成绩单和国外院校成绩单的评估证书(如需要)。注册会计师考试服务处收到预审申请后大约需四周向申请人下发通过与否的通知。Applicants who have completed the educational requirements at the time of application must:u submit to CPA Examination Services relevant official tran(s)from each institution at which original credit toward the educational requirement has been earned.The award of the baccalaureate degree must be reflected on the tran(s)submitted.The tran must be from the registrars office with the registrars official seal,it may come from the candidate but must be an original with the original seal.Meet the education requirements and be able to provide.Applicants who completed educational requirements at institutions outside the U.S.at the time of application must:Have their educational credentials evaluated by any member organization of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services(NACES).Submit to CPA Examination Services the original evaluation.The evaluation of a foreign tran must be a course by course comparison to New Hampshire requirements.Photocopies are not accepted.A pre-evaluation will identify academic deficiencies in a candidate’s education prior to submitting the New Hampshire First-time Application for the Uniform CPA Examination.Pre-evaluations are advisory in nature and are not a final determination of eligibility.Pre-evaluation application:$50.申请过程:新罕布什尔州注会考试申请人向注册会计师考试服务处提交注会考试申请书、费用、大学正式成绩单及美国国外成绩单的评估证书(如需要)。评审通过后,注册会计师考试服务处向考生颁发安排考试通知(NTS)。考生按通知要求与Prometric考试中心联系预约考试的时间地点。安排考试通知为六个月有效。First-time Application1)Official tran(s)from each institution at which original credit towards the educational requirement was earned.2)Foreign Evaluation,if applicable.All candidates are required to pay both an application fee and an examination fee upon submission of the first time application.After eligibility to take the examination is determined,NASBA will issue a Notice to Schedule(NTS)to applicants.NTS is sent via the method of notification selected by the applicant.The NTS is valid for one testing event or six(6)months whichever is first exhausted for each examination section.Upon receipt of the NTS,applicants are required to contact Prometric,Inc.(Prometric)to schedule the examination.See theCandidate Bulletin for complete instruction on how to schedule the examination.For a list of test centers,visit Prometric’s web site atNew Hampshire Board of Accountancy and CPA Examination Services do not control space availability or location of the test centers.初次申请:Application fee(non-refundable):$220.00Examination feeAuditing and Attestation(AUD)$190.35Business Environment and Concepts(BEC)$171.25Financial Accounting and Reporting(FAR)$190.35Regulation(REG)$171.25重新申请:如未考过而申请重考,申请注册费为:$140.00美元(一门)、$155.00美元(二门)、$170.00美元(三门)、或$185.00美元(四门)。Registration Fee:4 exam sections-$185.003 exam sections(any combination)-$170.002 exam sections(any combination)-$155.001 exam section-$140.00指定评估机构:NACES中的任何一家。Applicants who have completed educational requirements at institutions outside the U.S.must have their credentials evaluated by any member of the National Association of Credentials Evaluation Services,Inc.NTS有效期:6个月。The NTS is valid for one testing event or six(6)months whichever is first exhausted for each examination section.


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