这里有student email directory你可以看看看到了很多类似中国人的名字,你可以发信息咨询哈
找一个大学的联系方式就去页面上的contact那里。LSE你真的想去的话,最好打个电话方便一点,邮件很有可能被忽略的。Houghton StreetLondonWC2A 2AEUK Tel: +44 (0)20 7405 7686 这个是所有学生的email address下面这个是其他的email addressJournalists: if you cannot find the person you are looking for, please contact LSE Press and Information Office on 020 7955 7060 or email pressoffice@lse.ac.uk| Private and public sector: the School's commercial subsidiary, LSE Enterprise, offers a professional consultancy service for clients in both the private and public sector. For more information and advice on how an expert can help your business, visit LSE Enterprise| or call 020 7955 7128. Feedback on this site: If you have any comments on this site, please email lsewebsite@lse.ac.uk| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------LSE academic staff: create or update your online profile.| Please also note the link to the Research and Project Development Division|, which offers advice on funded research activity. All staff: if you have queries about the Experts Directory please email experts@lse.ac.uk| or call 020 7955 6334 [internal enquiries only].