中国人几乎是2360+ 才有考虑的余地, 没到就别想了
中国人几乎是2360+ 才有考虑的余地, 没到就别想了
申请者必须提交书面和两个SAT科目考试,即使他们提交他们在学校的成绩毕业考试的SAT或ACT的结果。 The January administration is the final testing date for candidates. 1月份的政府正在为候选人最终测试的日期。 All applicants must take the SAT or the ACT (with the writing component) as well as two Subject Tests.所有申请人必须参加SAT或ACT的成分与写作()两个科目的测试。 Students should not submit two Subject Tests in mathematics to meet this requirement.学生在数学,不得提交两个科目考试,以满足这一要求。 Candidates whose first language is not English should ordinarily not use a Subject Test in their first language to meet the two Subject Tests requirement.考生的第一语言不是英语通常不应该使用他们的第一语言的科目考试,以满足两个科目考试的要求。 All students are encouraged to submit additional Subject Tests (which may include one in a student's first language), Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate test results, or any other evidence of the breadth and depth of their academic accomplishments.我们鼓励所有的学生提交的其他科目考试(其中可能包括在学生的第一语言之一),进阶先修或国际文凭测试结果,或任何的广度和深度的学术成果的其他证据。 Applicants must designate Harvard as a recipient of their test scores.申请人必须指定作为其测试成绩收件人哈佛。 Testing agencies will not release results directly to the Admissions Office unless an applicant does so.检验机构将不会公布结果直接向招生办公室,除非申请人这样做。 The SAT code number is 3434; the ACT code number is 1840.国家税务总局代号3434;的ACT代号1840。 Students who do not have access to a testing center in their country are the ONLY applicants who are exempt from these standard tests.谁的学生没有进入一个在自己的国家检测中心,是谁从这些标准测试只豁免申请。 English Language Proficiency英语语言能力 A strong knowledge of English is essential for successful study at Harvard, including the ability to understand and express thoughts quickly and clearly.阿强的英语知识是必不可少的成功在哈佛大学学习,其中包括能够迅速理解和表达思想,明确。 We require the results of the SAT I and two SAT II Subject Tests for all candidates.我们要求我和两个SAT II的考试科目为所有考生的成绩在周六 The SAT II English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) is not acceptable for this purpose.国家税务总局二英语水平考试(ELPT)是不能接受的用于此目的。 Students are not required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Test (IELTS) but we welcome the submission of your score if you have taken either.学生不须参加英语作为外语考试(托福)或国际英语语言测试(雅思),但我们欢迎你的分数如果你已提交的。 While students can choose any two SAT subject tests, applicants whose native language is not English should not take either of their two SAT II tests in their native language.虽然学生可以选择任何两个SAT科目考试,申请者的母语不是英语,不应采取任何他们两个SAT II考试在他们的母语。SAT考试 1934年,哈佛大学将SAT考试用于甄选奖学金申请人。次年,哈佛大学把这个考试推广应用于所有申请哈佛大学的学生。 美国“高考”,世界之最1938年,昌西副校长向大学理事会的所有会员学校发出呼吁,要求它们把SAT考试作为申请奖学金的考试。1948年,以科南特为首任**的教育考试服务中心(ETS)成立,ETS作为大学理事会的合同方为其提供大学入学考试服务。从此,SAT考试成绩成为绝大多数大学的最基本的入学条件之一。