就写在读撒:university on-going
就写在读撒:university on-going
以下是步骤:Check the box to indicate if you have any post secondary education (including university, college or apprenticeship training). The following table provides examples of post secondary education:1.Trade/ApprenticeshipTraining completed in a specific trade, such as carpentry or auto mechanics.2.Non-university certificate/diplomaTraining in a profession that requires formal education but not at the university level (for example, dental technician or engineering technician).3.Bachelor’s degreeAcademic degree awarded by a college or university to those who completed an undergraduate curriculum; also called a baccalaureate. Examples include a Bachelor of Arts, Science or Education.4.Master’s degreeAcademic degree awarded by a graduate school of a college or university. You must have completed a Bachelor’s degree before a Master’s degree can be earned.5.PhDHighest university degree, usually based on at least three years of graduate studies and a thesis. Normally, you must have completed a Master’s degree before a PhD can be earned.-----------If you checked “Yes”, provide full details of your highest level of post secondary education:Enter the dates (year and month) you attended the institution, (大学学习时间:年,月)Field(s) of study (mechanics, social sciences, medicine, etc.), (专业)School or Facility name,(校名)City or Town, (城市)From the list, select the country, and (国家)Province or State. (省)看样子如果你在读的话就写,入学时间-现在
约克大学是加拿大名校之一.审核时候要求提供高考成绩以及高中三年成绩.即使是专科升本科要求也是一样的.而且成绩要求不低.申请的时候是有申请费大约在1000人民币左右.并且这个费用是不退还的. 雅思要求6.5分