计算科学硕士 MSc in Computing Science(授课式)课程师资0 课程设置0 毕业难度0 录取要求0 授课质量0 课程形式:授课式课程长度:12个月开学日期:10月授予学位:MSC 录取要求:IELTS成绩不低于6.5,具备相关专业的第二或第一级的荣誉学位 课程学费:19500英镑(2008)奖学金:ORS 所属大学:帝国理工学院 所属学院:计算机学院 课程介绍:This course provides a year of intensive training in computer science. It has two pathways; the breadth pathway and the depth pathway. The former is suitable for graduates of disciplines other than computing and the latter is suitable for those graduates who have already studied some computer science as part of their degree.