
有Emily Bronte的简介吗



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Emily Brontë (1818 - 1848) - pseudonym Ellis Bell 艾米莉·勃朗特(Emily Bronte 1818—1848)于1818年7月30日生于英格兰北部约克郡的一个名叫索顿(Thorton)的小镇里,她父亲帕特利克·勃朗特先生是爱尔兰一位农民的儿子,母亲玛丽娅·布兰威尔则出生于英格兰康沃尔一个有名的世家。

艾米莉有三个姐姐,一个哥哥和一个妹妹。在她两岁时,随父母搬到约克郡西部的哈沃斯小镇,在小镇最高处,教堂对面的一处小屋里安了家。这里气候严寒,生活条件恶劣,她的母亲和两位姐姐先后染病去世,父亲忙于教区事务,所以请她们的姨母来照料家务和失去母亲的四个孩子,从此艾米莉和他的姐姐夏洛蒂、哥哥布兰威尔和妹妹安妮在此度过了短促,凄苦却又丰富多彩的一生。姊妹三人都因各自的不朽著作而蜚声世界文坛,被称作“勃朗特三姊妹’,地处穷乡僻壤的哈沃斯小镇也成了文人墨客朝拜的文学圣地。 勃朗特住宅的对面是教堂、墓地,是小镇居民宗教和社会活动的中心;住宅后面是无际的茫茫荒野和小溪潺潺的丘陵谷地,勃朗特一家虽离群索居,却非远离尘嚣,孤陋寡闻。艾米莉生长的时代,正是社会激烈变革的时代,英国社会生活几乎每个方面都受到这些变革的影响。她们的父亲帕特利克先生虽是农民的儿子,然而他靠着决心和毅力,自学成才,不但当了教师,而且踏上了高等教育的殿堂,成为剑桥大学一名最穷苦但却学业优秀的毕业生。他酷爱文学艺术,忠于宗教圣职,对政治也有浓厚的兴趣。他为人拘谨寡言,然而对失去母亲的孩子们却不失为一个尽职尽责,威严而慈爱的父亲。艾米莉和她的姊妹们继承了父亲的性格,严谨而勤奋。在家里,他们如饥似渴地博览群书,吸取着文学营养。由于父亲是牧师这一特殊职业,她们有幸成为父亲和姨母谈论小镇及外面世界人物风情及社会事件的热心听众。与此同时,她们从姨母及老仆人那里听到无数神仙鬼怪的传说和神奇的冒险故事。她们还常常结伴到屋后荒野及峡谷散步,受到了约克郡北部严酷而美丽的大自然的熏陶。家庭、社会和大自然给了她们无穷的灵感。为了打发寂寞的时光,他们常常编出各种各样的冒险故事,共同编织着彩色斑澜的文学之梦。 艾米莉性格内向,感情含蓄,表面沉默寡言,内心却有火一般的激情。她具有独立而坚强的性格,不受传统思想的约束。在她短短的一生中,除了求学和工作短期离家外,其余时间都是深居简出,一面承担家务,一面沉浸在文学艺术天地里,写诗学画,任凭自己的想象飞越高山峡谷,沃野荒原,领略卑微而又香气四溢的紫色石楠在荒野中摇曳生姿的美丽景象。这一切在她心中酿成深刻而真挚的诗篇,她默默写了出来,不为家人所知。直到1845年,才被姐姐夏洛蒂发现。夏洛特深深为妹妹的才华所感动,在她的鼓励下,艾米莉才同意和姐姐妹妹共同出版一本诗集。该诗集于1846年由姊妹三人自费出版。为了避免世俗对女子偏见的影响,诗集署名为三个男子名“柯勒、埃里斯和埃克顿,分别代表夏洛蒂、艾米莉和安妮。 与此同时,姊妹三人都在写着各自的第一部小说。《呼啸山庄》可能始笔于1845年10月,1847年12月和妹妹安妮的小说同时发表。 《呼啸山庄》凝结了艾米莉短促的一生的全部心血和才华。书中,她刻画了一个非凡的暴风雨式的男主人公,并且以真实、质朴,充满爱尔兰和约克郡乡土气息的文字描写了刻骨铬心的爱与社会、与自然的野性抗争和残酷报复。这本书当时虽然不像她姐姐夏洛蒂的《简·爱》那样立即引起轰动,然而它却以其野性的,感人肺腑的美征服了十九世纪后期英国文坛,被誉为英国文字史上“最奇异的小说”,而且在英国文学研究中,已有《呼啸山庄》学,专门研究其人物、情节、表现手法等。和夏洛蒂的《简·爱》一样,《呼啸山庄》也已成为世界文学宝库中一颗璀璨的名珠。 1848年9月,布兰威尔因酗酒、吸毒而染病去世。这位父亲的独子,家庭的“骄傲和希望”留给他的亲人的是无限悲痛和追忆。本来就身体柔弱的艾米莉痛惜胞兄早逝,在葬礼当天染病。她拒绝任何治疗,仍以坚强的毅力坚持写作与操持家务,于同年12月19日病死在书房的长沙发上,那里曾是她和姊妹们编织无数文学艺术美梦的地方。

有Emily Bronte的简介吗


Emily Bronte (1818-1848) is perhaps the greatest writer of the three Bront� sisters - Charlotte Bronte, Emily, and Anne Bronte. Emily Bronte published only one novel, Wuthering Heights (1847), a story of doomed love and revenge. But that single work has its place among the masterpieces of English literature. Some of her best lyrics are also rated with the best in English poetry.Emily Brontë was born in Thornton, Yorkshire, in the north of England. Her father was the rector of Hawort from 1820. After their mother died in 1821, the children spent most of their time in reading and composition. To escape their unhappy childhood, Anne, Emily, Charlotte and their brother Branwell created imaginary worlds - perhaps inspired by Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726). Emily and Anne created their own Gondal saga, and Bramwell and Charlotte recorded their stories about the kingdom of Angria in minute notebooks. Between the years 1824 and 1825 Emily attended the school at Cowan Bridge with Charlotte, and then was largely educated at home. Her father's bookshelf offered a variety of reading: the Bible, Homer, Virgil, Shakespeare, Milton, Byron, Scott and many others. The children also read enthusiastically articles on current affairs and intellectual disputes in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Fraser's Magazine, and Edinburgh Review. In 1835 Emily Brontë was at Roe Head, but suffered from homesickness and returned after a few months to the moorland scenery of home. In 1837 she became a governess at Law Hill, near Halifax, where she spent six months. To facilitate their plan to keep school for girls, Emily and Charlotte Brontë went in 1842 to Brussels to learn foreign languages and school management. Emily returned on the same year to Haworth, where she stayed for the rest of her brief life. Unlike Charlotte, Emily had no close friends. She wrote a few letters and was interested in mysticism. Her first novel, Wuthering Heights (1847), a story-within-a-story, did not gain immediate success as Charlotte's Jane Eyre, but it has acclaimed later fame as one of the most intense novels written in the English language. In contrast to Charlotte and Anne, whose novels take the form of autobiographies written by authoritative and reliable narrators, Emily introduced an unreliable narrator, Lockwood. He constantly misinterprets the reactions and interactions of the inhabitants of Wuthering Heights. More reliable is Nelly Dean, his housekeeper, who has lived for two generations with the novel's two principal families, the Earnshaws and the Lintons. Emily Brontë died of tuberculosis in the late 1848. She had caught cold at her brother Branwell's funeral in September. After the appearance of Wuthering Heighs, some skeptics maintained that the book was written by Branwell, on the grounds that no woman from such circumscribed life, could have written such passionate story. In 1848 Charlotte and Anne visited George Smith to reveal their identity and to help quell rumors that a single author lay behind the pseudonyms. After her sisters' deaths, Charlotte edited a second edition of their novels, with prefatory commentary aimed at correcting what she saw as the reviewers' misunderstanding of Wuthering Heights. The complex time scheme of the novel had been taken as evidence by the critics, that Emily had not achieved full formal control over her narrative materials. However, her model in layering narrative within narrative may have been Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818). Emily's refusal to reduce ambiguity to simplistic clarity did not have any immediate influence on the novel form until Wilkie Collins experimented with multivocal first-person narratives in such works as The Woman in White (1860) and The Moonstone (1868).Wuthering Heights 呼啸山庄作者简介艾米莉.勃朗待,Emily Bronte,1818~1848,英国女作家,夏洛蒂·勃朗特之妹,安妮·勃朗特之姐。出生于贫苦的牧师之家,曾在生活条件恶劣的寄宿学校求学,也曾随姐姐去比利时学习法语、德语和法国文学,准备将来自办学校,但未如愿。艾米莉性格内向,娴静文雅,从童年时代起就酷爱写诗。1846年,她们三姐妹曾自费出过一本诗集。《呼啸山庄》是她唯一的一部小说,发表于1847年12月。她们三姐妹的三部小说——夏洛蒂的《简·爱》、艾米莉的《呼啸山庄》和小妹妹安妮的《艾格尼斯·格雷》是同一年问世的。除《呼啸山庄》外,艾米莉还创作了193首诗,被认为是英国一位天才的女作家。


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