您好!申请哈佛和耶鲁大学都是需要满足其申请条件的:哈佛大学一、要求参加的考试Applicants must submit a written and two SAT Subject Tests, even if they submit theirresults in school leaving examination results of SAT or ACT. (学校官网)SAT1或者ACT,两者任选一二、SAT分数要求每部分要求考650-800,即总成绩1950-2400分之间SAT2低分数为:650分三、是否要求参加托福或者雅思没有要求四、SAT2考试科目的选择不要选择两门数学五、成绩提交最晚期限申请EA:10月份截止申请RA:1月份截止耶鲁大学一、要求参加的考试The SAT and any two SAT Subject Tests - or - The ACT Plus Writing Test(学校官网)SAT1和SAT2两科 或 ACT附加写作二、SAT分数要求SAT1的言语:700-800SAT1的数学:700-780SAT1的写作:700-790三、是否要求参加托福或者雅思Yale strongly recommends that you take any one of the following tests for non-native English speakers.要求考一种语言能力测试托福成绩要求:100 on the internet-based TOEFL600 on the paper-based TOEFL250 on the computer-based TOEFL雅思成绩要求:The minimum acceptable score is 7.PTE成绩要求:The minimum acceptable score is 70.四、成绩提交最晚期限通过申请单选择早期行动,你必须参加考试不迟于2010年11月。