不讲哪个大学,其实英国大学的很多学校,dissertation的结构都是大致相同的,比如:Chapter 1: IntroductionThis should tell the reader what the project is about, so accuracy is important. Be clear what the topic is about because it is upon this that judgement is made. It should contain the essential background material, set the scene by explaining the rationale for the chosen topic, the problem and hence the project. It should clearly introduce the research aim, the research questions and the research objectives. Introduction chapter also outlines what will follow in the next chapters in a separate paragraph. Chapter 2: Critical Review of the Academic Literature (The Literature Review) This should contain a summary of the key academic literature on the topic ...... ...... ......(篇幅问题,我就不一一赘述,更详细的问题可以关注豆瓣君道留学论文,我们是很负责任,很认真,很有信誉度的小伙伴哟,大家可以给小编留言哟)