






美国大学工程类本科最新排名(带博士学位) Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs with Ph.D. Programs Rank/School name (State) (*-Public school) Academic reputation score (5.0=highest) 1. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 4.9 2. Stanford University (CA) 4.7 2. University of California-Berkeley * 4.7 4. California Institute of Technology 4.6 5. U. of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign * 4.5 5. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor * 4.5 7. Cornell University (NY) 4.4 7. Georgia Institute of Technology * 4.4 9. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 4.3 9. Purdue Univ.-West Lafayette (IN)* 4.3 9. University of Texas-Austin * 4.3 12. Princeton University (NJ) 4.2 13. Northwestern University (IL) 4.1 13. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison * 4.1 15. Johns Hopkins University (MD) 4.0 15. Pennsylvania State U.-University Park * 4.0 17. Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (NY) 3.9 17. Texas A&M Univ.-College Station * 3.9 17. Univ. of Minnesota-Twin cities * 3.9 17. Virginia Tech * 3.9 21. Rice University (TX) 3.8 22. Duke University (NC) 3.7 22. Ohio State University-Columbus * 3.7 22. Univ. of California-Los Angeles * 3.7 22. Univ. of Maryland-College Park * 3.7 22. University of Washington * 3.7 27. Columbia University (NY) 3.6 27. Harvard University (MA) 3.6 27. University of California-Davis * 3.6 27. Univ. of California-San Diego * 3.6 27. University of Colorado-Boulder * 3.6 27. University of Florida * 3.6 27. University of Pennsylvania 3.6 27. University of Virginia * 3.6 35. Case Western Reserve Univ. (OH) 3.5 35. Iowa State University * 3.5 35. Lehigh University (PA) 3.5 35. North Carolina State U.-Raleigh * 3.5 35. Univ. of California-Santa Barbara * 3.5 35. Univ. of Southern California 3.5 41. Brown University (RI) 3.4 41. Michigan State University * 3.4 41. University of Arizona * 3.4 44. Arizona State University * 3.3 44. Dartmouth College (NH) 3.3 44. University of Notre Dame (IN) 3.3 44. Vanderbilt University (TN) 3.3 44. Washington University in St. Louis 3.3 44. Yale University (CT) 3.3 50. Colorado School of Mines * 3.2 50. Rutgers-New Brunswick (NJ)* 3.2 50. University of California-Irvine * 3.2 50. University of Delaware * 3.2 50. Univ. of Massachusetts-Amherst * 3.2 50. Worcester Polytechnic Inst. (MA) 3.2 56. Drexel University (PA) 3.1 56. University of Iowa * 3.1 56. University of Missouri-Rolla * 3.1 59. Auburn University (AL)* 3.0 59. Clemson University (SC)* 3.0 59. Colorado State University * 3.0 59. Michigan Technological University * 3.0 59. Polytechnic University (NY) 3.0 59. University of Illinois-Chicago * 3.0 59. University of Pittsburgh * 3.0 59. Washington State University * 3.0 67. Illinois Institute of Technology 2.9 67. Kansas State University * 2.9 67. Northeastern University (MA) 2.9 67. Syracuse University (NY) 2.9 67. Tufts University (MA) 2.9 67. University of Kansas * 2.9 67. University of Rochester (NY) 2.9 67. Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville * 2.9 67. University of Utah * 2.9 76. Boston University 2.8 76. Clarkson University (NY) 2.8 76. Oklahoma State University * 2.8 76. Oregon State University * 2.8 76. Stevens Institute of Technology (NJ) 2.8 76. SUNY-Stony Brook * 2.8 76. Texas Tech University * 2.8 76. Tulane University (LA) 2.8 76. University of Cincinnati * 2.8 76. University of Connecticut * 2.8 86. Brigham Young Univ.-Provo (UT) 2.7 86. Louisiana State U.-Baton Rouge * 2.7 86. New Jersey Inst. of Technology * 2.7 86. SUNY-Buffalo * 2.7 86. University of Houston * 2.7 86. University of Kentucky * 2.7 86. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia * 2.7 86. University of New Mexico * 2.7 86. University of Oklahoma * 2.7 95. Southern Methodist University (TX) 2.6 95. University of Alabama * 2.6 95. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln * 2.6 95. U. of North Carolina-Charlotte * 2.6 95. Wayne State University (MI)* 2.6 95. West Virginia University * 2.6 101. CUNY-City College * 2.5 101. George Washington University (DC) 2.5 101. Indiana U.-Purdue U.-Indianapolis * 2.5 101. Mississippi State University * 2.5 101. New Mexico State University * 2.5 101. Ohio University * 2.5 101. San Diego State University * 2.5 101. Univ. of California-Riverside * 2.5 101. University of New Hampshire * 2.5 101. University of Rhode Island * 2.5 101. Univ. of South Carolina-Columbia * 2.5 101. University of Texas-Arlington * 2.5 101. Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee * 2.5 101. Utah State University * 2.5



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