






持有学生签证可以在澳大利亚打工吗 不管何种原因,如果你的签证没有被授予工作的权利,就必须在开学后申请允许海外工作的学生签证。

请注意工作之前需要有一个税号。在迎新周期间,我们将会提供更多关于申请学生工作签证、税号和勤工俭学的信息。此外,迎新周期间,我们将在国际留学生会议中告知更多关于学生独立工作的信息。How many hours a week can I work Holders of a student visa can work up to 40 hours per fortnight while their University program is in session, and full-time during University vacations. In general, students should not expect to cover tuition fees or living expenses from casual work.Whilst RHD applicants are entitled to work unlimited hours they must maintain full-time enrolment in their studies and progress to the satisfaction of the Dean, UQ Graduate School. Students holding a UQ scholarship will be entitled to undertake paid work as per the UQ Research Scholarship General Conditions. Students studying at UQ on an externally funded scholarship should contact their scholarship provider regarding the number of hours they are permitted to work each week.每周可以工作多少个小时 持有签证的学生每两周可以工作40个小时,放假期间可以做全职。通常,学生不能期望可以通过兼职打工支付学费和生活费。风湿性心脏病专业的学生每周可以工作的时间没有限制,但是必须全勤上课,取得让昆士兰大学研究生院院长满意的成绩。根据昆士兰大学研究奖学金条件总则,获得奖学金的同学可以做有报酬的工作。昆士兰大学获得特殊基金奖学金的学生需联系奖学金资助者询问自己每周可以工作多少小时。What type of work am I likely to find Part-time work can be difficult to find and there is much competition for these jobs. An Employment Officer at UQ St Lucia can help students look for part-time work, most of which is non-professional, such as waiting on tables, cleaning or sales.The University does not have a formal program of teaching assistantships or graduate assistantships. However, research higher degree students may possibly find employment as research or tutorial assistants. These positions are not guaranteed and interested students should contact relevant schools for details.可能找到什么样的工作 兼职工作可能比较难找,这些工作岗位竞争比较激烈。昆士兰大学圣卢西亚校区的劳工介绍所可以帮助你找兼职,大多数工作都是非专业型的工作,例如餐厅服务员、清洁工或者售货员。昆士兰大学没有正式设立助教职务,但是研究型学位的学生可能可以找到研究助理或者助教的岗位。这些职位都需要学生自己联系相关学校询问详情。



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