这个专业有105个。给你选了几个好录取的学校英格兰:瑞丁大学International Banking and Financial Services布鲁内尔大学 International Money, Finance and InvestmentFinance and Investment赫德福德大学 Financial Market Analysis诺丁汉特伦特大学 Management and Investment Strategy索尔福德大学 International Banking and Finance Investment Banking埃克塞斯大学 Banking and Finance Finance and Investment牛津布鲁克斯大学 Law (International Banking)朴茨茅斯大学 Business Economics, Finance and Banking布德福德郡大学 International Finance and Banking赫德菲尔德大学 Finance and Investment Management布莱顿大学 Finance and Investment西英格兰大学 Economics (Money, Banking and Finance)中央兰开夏大学 International Finance and Investment考文垂大学 Investment Management利物浦约翰摩尔大学 International Banking and Finance谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学 Banking and Finance伦敦地区:金斯顿大学 Banking and Finance密德萨斯大学Banking and Finance Investment and Finance格林威治大学 International Banking and FinanceReal Estate Development and Investment伦敦都市大学Corporate Finance and InvestmentInternational BankingInternational Banking and FinanceInternational Banking and Insurance LawInternational Business and Banking威斯敏斯特大学 Investment and Quantitative Finance泰晤士河谷大学 International Banking and Finance Law苏格兰:阿伯丁大学 Finance and Investment Management斯特斯克莱德大学 International Banking and FinanceInvestment and Finance赫瑞瓦特大学 Real Estate Investment and Finance斯特林大学 Banking and Finance龙比亚大学 Property Management and Investment威尔士:卡迪夫大学International Economics, Banking and Finance班戈大学Banking and FinanceBanking and Law InternationalBanking and DevelopmentFinance Islamic Banking and Finance