凯尔特人队的队训是:which hurts more,the pain of hard work or the pain of regret 意思:辛苦努力和悔恨遗憾,哪个更加痛苦?波士顿凯尔特人队(Boston Celtics),是nba传统强队,是夺冠次数最多的球队(17次),在1959年至1966年创造了8连冠,创造了队史第一个王朝。附湖人队训:Some play to play ,some play to win ,and who are you 有些人比赛就是为了比赛,有些人比赛则是为了胜利,你是哪种人?马刺队训:"When nothing seems to help,I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it.Yet at the hundred and first blowit will split in two,and I know it was not that blow that did it——but all that had gone before."我无助沮丧的时候,看到了小石匠在不停的敲打石头,似乎敲打了上百次也没能在石头上留下任何裂痕,但就在他敲第一百零一下的时候,石头突然裂成了两半,我知道,不是那一下击碎了石头,而是前面的努力共同作用的结果