





美国常春藤大学盟校,美国常青藤大学联盟,常春藤联盟Ivy League1、什么是Ivy League?Ivy League就是“美国常春藤联盟”。Ivy的来源是这样的:最初常春藤联盟只包括哈佛、耶鲁、哥伦比亚和普林斯顿4所大学,而4的罗马数字恰好为“IV”,在其后加一个y即成Ivy,意思就是常春藤,因此“常春藤联盟”由此而来。




5、关于“新常春藤联盟”许多无法进入常春藤盟校的学生往往会考虑所谓的“新常春藤联盟”。“新常春藤联盟”包括以下25所大学:波士顿学院Boston College鲍廷学院Bowdoin College卡耐基.梅隆大学Carnegie Mellon克莱蒙特学院联盟Claremont Colleges: Harvey Mudd and Pomona 科比学院 Colby College科尔盖特大学Colgate University戴维森学院Davidson College埃默瑞大学Emory University肯阳学院Kenyon College、麦克莱斯特学院 Macalester College密歇根大学University of Michigan纽约大学 New York University 北卡罗莱纳大学 University of North Carolina 圣母大学University of Notre Dame欧林工程学院Olin College of Engineering 瑞德学院 Reed College 伦斯勒理工学院 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute莱斯大学 Rice University罗彻斯特大学 University of Rochester史基德摩尔学院 Skidmore College塔夫斯大学Tufts University加州大学洛杉矶分校 University of California, Los Angeles范德比特大学Vanderbilt University弗吉尼亚大学University of Virginia华盛顿大学圣露易斯分校Washington University in St. Louis. The following table lists the eight U.S. universities that comprise the 'Ivy League' – a small group of private universities that enjoy a reputation for providing excellent education, and attract top students.It is interesting to note that the term 'ivy league' originally referred not to academics but to sports. The original Ivy League brought together not minds, but football teams. That said, these eight universities have some educational and institutional traits in common beyond their athletics programs. All are long-established, private universities; all are in the Northeastern U.S.; all benefit from sizeable endowments and generous alumni financial support; all are highly selective – and all provide need blind aid that often make them less expensive than in-state public colleges.Is an Ivy League school right for youIf so, which oneThat's a question only you will be able to answer. Factors to consider are the differences among Ivy League members (some are located in large cities, and some in small towns; some have religious affiliations, and some do not). A more important factor is what you want to get out of your college education. Although Ivy League schools generally deserve their good reputations, some of their programs are stronger than others. If you're interested in engineering, for example, you probably want to look beyond the eight universities listed below. Only a few Ivy League schools have top-rated engineering programs – and (like any school of engineering) they are stronger in some areas of engineering education than others.School Acceptance Rate Early Actionor Decision Early Acceptance Rate Top 10% of the High School Class SAT (25/75 percentile) Brown 11% Decision 21% 93% 1980-2310 Columbia 11% Decision 19% 93% 2050-2320 Cornell 21% Decision 31% 88% 1280 - 1490§ Dartmouth 13% Decision 35% 90% 2010-2310 Harvard 8% N/A N/A* 95% 2080-2370 Penn 17% Decision 34% 99% 1980-2250 Princeton 10% N/A N/A* 97% 2000-2280 Yale 9% Action N/A 97% 2080-2370Figures are for the Fall 2009 entering class.* Harvard and Princeton ended their early admissions programs following the 2006-2007 application season. All applicants will only be able to apply under the regular deadline.§ Math and Critical Reading scores only.Keep in mind that the qualities that make for a good education are not limited to the Ivy League. You can look for (and find) features like a low student-to-faculty ratio, high teaching standards, and strong research support at other universities as well. Moreover, non-Ivy League schools might offer things that are important to you and that you could not find at the eight universities listed above – for example, a climate that doesn't include ice and snow.An Ivy League education has undeniable benefits. A degree from an Ivy League school will always draw attention to your resume, and you'll have entry to a valuable alumni network. You'll also receive instruction and mentoring that can help position you for competitive graduate programs and prestigious awards like the Rhodes Scholarships. But Ivy League educations come at a price – both in the tuition you might pay, and in anxiety over the schools' highly competitive admissions. If an Ivy League university is the right choice for you, you'll be happy to endure the application process. But even in that case, you will probably be more comfortable with having made that decision if you first go through the process of considering other options as well.美国常春藤学校申请要注意什么常青藤大学的招生老师基本都是以学生为主,学校总是安排在校大学生对提出申请的学生资料进行初步审查。美国校方认为,由学生去审阅申请学生的材料,他们之间没有代沟,才更容易交流和了解。申请美国名校,资深学生签证专家胡伟航认为学生必须具备两个条件:知道自己是谁,知道学校是什么。每个学校申请的程序大都差不多,但都有各自的要求。初审时,主要看你的GPA、SAT,然后才了解你的个性和优点。GPA和SAT是考虑的基本条件,GPA可以看出学生的学习能力,SAT可以看出学生的智商。美国的名校特别不能容忍学生的SAT成绩很高但GPA成绩很低,因为这样就显示出学生很懒。初审过关者的材料还要由老教师来会审。老师会根据你的GPA、SAT成绩和你选择专业的情况,来确定你是否适合在该校就读。你即便理工科很好,但麻省理工学院也可能不会录取你,因为学校会对你进行综合的判断,不会因为你的某一个单项成绩很优秀而录取你。最后一关就是审查你是真还是假。作假行为是从学生的申请文章和推荐信中看出来的。一些学生希望申请某学校,但从材料中显示他对这个学校并不了解;有的学生在文章中表示自己有很好的爱好,但从文章中却看不出支持这个爱好的出发点和行动。前两年哥伦比亚大学在录取国际学生时,全球有上百学生申请,但只有一个中国女孩获得了录取通知书,是因为她会弹得一手古筝。她的这个爱好是实实在在的,她会给学校带来影响和声誉。业内人士指出,常青藤有八所院校,录取条件应该都是有所侧重的,学生必须熟悉每个学校的录取要求,针对不同的学校,采取不同的申请方法。申请常青藤院校的硬件条件 (共性)1.国内著名高中、大学在读生,毕业生。2.国内平均成绩90-95分以上,或以上,学校及所在地区TOP10学生。3.英语(论坛)成绩,分/640分以上,SAT:2200分以上,分以上,分以上。4.国内有艺术特长、体育特长、数学特长等优先考虑。5.获过相关比赛、国际竞赛等奖项的优先考虑。麻省理工学院录取学生,有两个最重要的条件:一是当你失败时,能够站起来继续往前走;二是我的爱好是自己的,不受别人的影响。为什么?因为学校培养的是科学家,因此要求每个学生必须不怕失败,不会放弃,有自己的主见。耶鲁大学则不同,学校要求学生具有领导能力和关注社区历史的爱好。耶鲁大学的每个宿舍就是一个社区,每个社区有很多活动,每个学生在社区活动中,都可以培养自己的活动能力和领导能力,每个社区可以相互影响,相互交流。哈佛大学的录取要求很奇怪,共有12点要求,而且每年的要求都不一样,都在变,你永远不知道学校每年到底要录取什么学生,因此学校每年的新生都与往年的不一样,这样可以形成非常丰富的校园文化。普林斯顿大学则没有具体的录取要求,但每年招生之前,学校都会给哈佛大学去电,询问哈佛的录取条件。哈佛要的学生,他们坚决不要;哈佛不要的学生,他们则会考虑录取。哥伦比亚大学由于位处最繁华的纽约,各种文化兼容并蓄,因此要求学生具有文化欣赏能力,校方认为只有懂得欣赏不同文化的人,才会获得成功。布朗大学则非常自由,进校后学生可以自己选择课程和专业,你一年时间只学一门数学课程都可以,因为校方认为,你要想成功,只要学会做你喜欢做的就可以了。如果你不了解学校的录取要求,不管你多优秀,你都不可能获得录取。


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