









以下仅做参考:根据自己做适当修改,谢谢!我叫XX,XX XX人,2009年本科毕业于xx学校XX专业,目前在上海汽车集团股份有限公司从事工程项目管理相关工作,至今工作刚满三年。 My name is XX, fromXX ,XXprovince,I graduated at the bachelor of thermal energy power engineeringfromHUST in the year of 2009,at present I work for SAIC MOTOR that I’m mainly in charge of product engineeringprogram management ,just for three years.经过多重考虑后下定决心考研,我克服了种种困难,在工作之余认真复习备考,终于取得了理想的成绩。After the multiple thoughtfulness,the only decision is to have a try in GRE,then I conquer many difficulty in my sparetime after work just for preparing for the exam, and I get the perfect score finally.我出生在一普通农民家庭,深受父母的影响, 养成了勤劳朴素的生活习惯,面对贫苦的家境,我从小就萌生了改变这一切的夙愿,而我坚信唯有读书才能改变自己命运,现在我也正朝着这一步步的迈进。这其中我要万分感谢我的母亲,是她一贯的倾力支持,才让我获得高等教育的机会,让我感到惭愧的是,毕业至今也没能更好地回报她老人家。I was born in a common family as a farmer, and exerted an edifying influence on industrious and simplicity in my life,as the poor condition ,I got into one dream of changing this situation, and I still believe that the road to Roman always by pursuing advanced studies,now the way is nearer.Many thanks for my mother because of her supportall along ,by which I can get the high education,but the only thingthat I was ashamed ofis that I couldn’t repay her rightly untill now.大学本科毕业后进入昆明一家国企工作,先在装配车间实习半年,基本上算是体力劳动了,在锻炼了身体素质的同时也锻炼的坚强的意志, 后提前调入科室,担任发动机质量管理相关工作,积累了一些柴油机专业知识的同时,也学会了质量管理的各种方法,为提高自己能力打下基础。After college graduation, I entered a state of corporation in Kunming,just for physical labour,not onlybody but alsovolition , getting anneal,then I was promoted in quality control department,going on studying hard about the speciality knowledge and the whole bag of tricks in QM,for the advancement.2010年底,我辗转来到上海,进入上汽集团,参与了一个国内技术领先的项目——乘用车小型柴油机联合开发小组,该项目主要为上汽UK中心打造国内领先的轿车柴油机D19 EU5动力总成和为GMI(印度通用公司)研发搭载微型车的D09EU4小型柴油机。我非常荣幸能加入这个团队参加研发,因为这项目拥有国内最先进的柴油机开发技术,在世界范围内处于前沿的地位,能够为国争光。In the year of 2010,I came to shanghai, adding the one-up diesel team in SAIC motor,this programe is mainly developing an small output volume diesel engine called D19 and D09 for MG,I’m so glad to join the team because all the technique is advanced at a preceding place in the worldwide ,that is to say,I can win honour for my country.我主要负责整个工程开发过程的项目管理工作,对工程部门制定timing,并及时跟踪工程进展,也负责对开发过程中存在的问题TIR进行跟踪和落实,以及制定相应的试验计划,跟踪落实项目试验的开展。I was in charge of product engineering for PM,such as working out the timing for developing and tracing the newest status,and also review the test incident report according every DRE(design release engineer),establishing the plan for the engine test and tracing the progress.在这工作的三年时间里,我遇到了不少的困难,面对着来自家庭、生活和工作各方面的压力,同时我也不断的总结,其中涉及到最多的是自己的学历和薪水,当然还有自己奋斗的终极目标。想来想去,要提高自己的收入,一方面可以靠提高学历,再想到现在大学本科生到处都是,再加上我的人生目标就是不断的学习,我想,真的是该到搏一搏的时候了,于是,我决定了考研,矢志不渝。经过搜寻资料和多方打听,贵校的XX专业成为了我不懈努力的动力。Between the three years of job, I encounter many difficulties, facing the stress from the family and life, at the same time ,I make a summary which involved mostlycertificate and salary,and my dream for fighting ,then I think a lot, whatever improving my income ,whatever studying always,whatever reachingmy goal ,now ,it’s the time to fight,that’s the reason trying for GRE, persisting in my ambition,according to the search and consultation,I struggle for one thing ——XX..








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