2013fall本科的条件是(based on UT website)1. 语言成绩:IELTS总分6.5单项不低于6 或TOEFL总分100写作不低于222. 学术成绩:a. 高考成绩(至少一本线)或SAT1(最好2000+)b. 会考成绩(最好是4A)3. 课余活动:理论上说是越丰富越有意义你在活动中获得担当的责任越大越好(Optional)另外作为今年申请加拿大本科的学姐,我建议你多去看看学校的官方网站,多了解几所加拿大的大学甚至美国澳大利亚英国等等教育大国的大学。毕竟在百度上得到的信息都是大家从各种渠道得来的,不一定及时准确,而大学官网上的信息绝对不会有差错,而且如果有差错是需要承担法律责任的。如果你以英文看不懂作为不去看的借口,那么我奉劝你别出国了,以后要读的paper比这难不知道多少倍的。PS. 附UT官方网站的要求:Candidates that are studying the Chinese high school system are required to provide the following examinationsesults in the subjects of Math, Chemistry and Physics:Senior High School (Upper Middle School) GraduationIf available Chinese Upper Middle School Graduation Exam results (Hui Kao)Chinese National University Entrance Examinations (Gao Kao)Please contact the Admissions Office if you will not be taking the Chinese National University Entrance Examinations (Gao Kao)If your first language is a language other than English or French and you have less than four years of full-time study achieving satisfactory academic progress, you must present proof of English facility.International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic ModuleThe minimum requirement is an overall band of 6.5, with no band below 6.0.Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Internet-based TestMinimum Requirement total score of 100 and 22 on Writing.