SAT拼分政策详解 留学申请须知
- 张涛
- 2025-03-04 21:24
- 53
- 手机版
现行Digital SAT的分数组成是两个部分
1. 阅读和写作 单项分 800
2. 数学 单项分 800
以下是支持SAT拼分的热门大学,大部分的学校是采用score choice的self-report 自主提交SAT成绩的方式。
1. 哈佛大学 (Harvard)
官方声明 (Official Statement):你可以自由使用College Board的Score Choice选项。
You are free to use the College Board Score Choice option.
2. 麻省理工学院 (MIT)
官方声明 (Official Statement):如果你多次参加SAT,我们将考虑每个部分中获得的最高分数。这种拼分政策也适用于提交“旧版”和“新版”SAT分数的学生。我们这样做是为了以最好的方式考虑所有申请者。学生可以自由使用College Board的Score Choice选项……以提交他们选择的分数。
If you take [the SAT] multiple times,we will consider the highest score achieved in each section. This superscoring also applies to students who submit scores from both the "old" and "new" SAT. We do this in order to consider all applicants in their best light. Students are free to use the College Board's Score Choice option ... to submit the scores of your choice as well.
3. 斯坦福大学 (Stanford)
官方声明 (Official Statement):所有高中阶段的ACT或SAT(或两者都有)的成绩都是必需的……对于SAT,我们将关注每次考试的最高阅读和写作,数学的分数。
All scores from all high school sittings of either the ACT or SAT (or both if you took both) are required....For the SAT,we will focus on the highest individual Evidence-based Reading and Writing,Math,and Essay scores from all test sittings.
4. 乔治城大学 (Georgetown)
官方声明 (Official Statement):乔治城大学不参与College Board提供的Score Choice选项。乔治城要求你提交所有SAT考试的分数……如果申请人多次参加SAT考试,招生委员会在审查申请时将考虑多次考试中的最高阅读分数和最高数学分数。
乔治城大学要求申请者提交SAT和/或ACT分数,作为我们综合性的申请审核流程的一部分。入学申请人应提交来自College Board和/或ACT的官方成绩报告。招生委员会将考虑多次考试中的最高阅读与写作部分(EBRW)分数和最高数学分数。
5. 佐治亚理工学院 (Georgia Institute of Technology)
官方声明 (Official Statement):在评估您的本科入学申请时,我们会按照以下方式考虑考试分数。ACT - 英语、数学、阅读和科学中的最高分数。我们不使用写作部分。SAT – 阅读与写作以及数学的最高分数。SAT或ACT的最高的单项分数。
When we evaluate your application for first-year admission we consider test scores as outlined below.
ACT - Highest section score on English,Math,Reading and Science. We do not use the Writing section
SAT – Highest section score on Evidence-based Reading & Writing and Math
Highest section scores on either the SAT or ACT
6. 哥伦比亚大学 (Columbia)
官方声明 (Official Statement):如果你多次参加考试,你将根据任何单个部分中获得的最高分数来评估。
If you take an exam more than once,you will be evaluated on the highest score you received in any individual section.
7. 普林斯顿大学 (Princeton)
官方声明 (Official Statement):我们允许申请人使用SAT的“Score Choice”功能……但我们鼓励提交所有考试成绩。
For those who choose to submit testing,we allow applicants to use the score choice feature of the SAT and accept only the highest composite score of the ACT,but we encourage the submission of all test scores.
8. 耶鲁大学 (Yale)
官方声明 (Official Statement):在评估SAT成绩时,招生官员将关注你在各个考试日期的旧版或新版SAT的最高个人分数。
When assessing SAT results,admissions officers will focus on your highest individual old or new scores from all test dates. For example,if you took the old SAT twice,your highest Critical Reading,Math and Writing scores will be considered individually. If you took the new SAT twice,your highest Evidence-based Reading and Writing,Math and Essay scores will be considered individually. If you took both types of SAT,the admissions office will treat them separately and review the best scores on each test.
9. 纽约大学 (New York University)
官方声明 (Official Statement):SAT-必须在申请日期之前的5年内参加,并从College Board发送。对于SAT,我们将审查每个部分的最高分数,而不考虑考试日期。这一做法通常被称为“拼分”。
SAT-Must be taken within 5 years of the date of application and sent from the College Board.For the SAT we will review the highest of each section,regardless of test dates. This practice is commonly known as the "superscore."
10. 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学 (Johns Hopkins)
官方声明 (Official Statement):我们会审核自报和官方的SAT或ACT成绩。你可以通过Common Application和Coalition on Scoir自行报告考试成绩。你应该报告每个部分的最高分数,我们将在审查你的申请时计算你的综合分数。
We review self-reported and official SAT or ACT scores. You can self-report test scores through the Common Application and Coalition on Scoir. You should report your highest score from each section,and we’ll calculate your composite score when reviewing your application.
11. 杜克大学 (Duke)
官方声明 (Official Statement):参加多次考试的学生可以选择发送哪些分数给杜克大学。对于选择发送多次考试分数的学生,杜克将使用最高分数。
Duke will consider the highest scores on each section of the SAT,regardless of the test date. SAT with essay and SAT Subject Tests have been discontinued. If you have SAT essay or SAT Subject Test scores,you are welcome to submit them,but they are optional.
12. 宾夕法尼亚大学 (University of Pennsylvania)
官方声明 (Official Statement):我们会进行ACT的拼分,也会在旧版和新版SAT考试中进行拼分,但不会在旧版和新版SAT考试之间进行拼分。
We superscore the ACT and we superscore within old and current SATs but not between old and current SAT tests.
13. 南加利福尼亚大学 (University of Southern California)
官方声明 (Official Statement):对于参加SAT考试多次的学生,USC将记录每个部分的最高分数。
For students who take the SAT more than once,USC records the highest scores for each section.
14. 范德堡大学 (Vanderbilt)
官方声明 (Official Statement):范德堡强烈鼓励学生每次参加SAT考试时提交分数。范德堡将在旧版SAT考试和新版SAT考试之间进行拼分,但不会在旧版SAT和新版SAT之间进行拼分。只有旧版SAT或新版SAT中的最高分数将作为招生审核流程的一部分考虑。每次提交SAT分数时,学生的记录都会更新以反映新的高分。
Vanderbilt strongly encourages students to submit scores each time they take the SAT. Vanderbilt will super-score among Old SAT tests and among New SAT tests,but will not super-score between the Old SAT and the New SAT. only the highest section scores for either the Old SAT or the New SAT will be considered as part of the admissions review process. Each time SAT scores are submitted,the student's record is updated with the new high section scores.
15. 圣母大学 (Notre Dame)
官方声明 (Official Statement):如果你提交多个分数,我们将为我们的评估进行拼分。这意味着我们将考虑最高的综合分数和每个部分的最高分数,而不管考试日期如何。
If you submit multiple scores,we will superscore the tests for our evaluation. This means we will consider the highest composite score and highest scores on each section,regardless of test date.
1. 取最高分数相加。大学招生办会根据考生提交的所有sat成绩中的单项的最高分相加拼成该申请者的sat总分。
2. 刷出最高单项分相加。招生办会根据学生提交的sat分数的最高部分的分数进行相加,也就是说,考生只要提交一次sat分数,出现一次单项最高分,就会刷新一次单项分数,最后得出总的sat分数。
3. 提取单次总分最高分。考生多次提交的sat总分中,招生办会作为参考,并取其中的最高分作为考生的最终提交分数。
4. 提取总分最高分,考生在提交sat分数后,可继续刷分,招生办只会根据总分来刷新高分,但只参考单次的sat总分。
5. 审查所有分数。有些招生办要求考生提交所有的sat分数进行审查,确保考生没有异常的sat分数变动。
6. 具体sat成绩提交需和大学联系,按照要求提交。