托福task4 - 逻辑结构和备考策略
托福口语task4,也称为Concept & Example,是托福口语部分的最后一道题目,也是难度较大的一道题。...
2022.3.12 Task 1 真题
When traveling, some people like to keep a record of their experiences——for example, by keeping a journal or by taking pictures. Other people prefer not to keep such records when traveling. Which do you prefer and why?
这题我也是答得非常 personal 了,记住,所有 prefer 类型的题目都是非常 personal 的哦!
keep a record v. 记录
precious memory n. 珍贵的回忆
eidetic memory n. 过目不忘的记忆能力
老师全程指导的托福之星系列打卡营 —— 21 天突破口语就是按照这个闭环设计的,有同一目标的学员聚在一起,在新一老师的指导下,刷口语真题,听讲评,收反馈,最后订正错题。
在 21 天内,你的学习过程将会经历以下几个阶段:
A beautiful quote: - why learning a foreign language?
"Being intelligent and learning foreign languages share one in common: they are both painful. And by 'painful', I don't mean the ennui of tediously long lectures or vocabulary and grammatical studies, or the expense of time for the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge, nor even the loneliness your dedication to the endeavor could bring upon you. The pain, the true torment, is the confusion. For the bigger the circle of the known, the greater the contact with the unknown. And the more firmly unlearnt believes used to stand, the more helplessly your new identity totters.
After learning a language, if you care enough, part of you becomes a member of the tribe to which the language belongs. And that cultural schizophrenia can be truly excruciating. That pain, however, cannot be easily offset by the better chances of employment in the job market or the simple pleasures of impressing your friends at the dining table with political intrigues and historical anecdotes played out in five different languages. Why, then, would anyone who's not crazy masochist want to learn a foreign language? Yes, to communicate with different people. Yes, to travel to different places. Yes, to advance your career in a globalized world. Yes, it is good for your brain. But more importantly, as potentially excruciating as it is, it is for those curious enough to see the world as it is, and those brave enough to tare down the wall of bigotry instead of comfortably hiding behind the linguistic barrier and refusing to step forward to know your fellow human beings, or even your so-called enemies.
Indeed, the pursuit of knowledge is almost by definition, a sort of masochism. And language learning is no exception. But in such pain, and perhaps only in such pain, can we overcome misunderstandings, bridge cultures and civilization, and find a world in peace and prosperity." -- Phoenix
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托福口语task4,也称为Concept & Example,是托福口语部分的最后一道题目,也是难度较大的一道题。...
本文将解析托福TPO3口语Task 3中的阅读和听力材料,并提供参考答案。...