Q1 Synthesis Question考对复杂信息的快速判断和评估能力;Q2 Rhetorical Analysis 考分析文本时的咬文嚼字能力。这些在托福写作都不涉及
能对比的也就是Q3 Argument Question。和托福独立写作一样,这两项作文看起来都要考生输出观点。但底层逻辑完全不同
托福写作独立项是考学生论述能力——用英语讲理和辩护立场——故评分标准明确要求有 appropriate explanations
那些编故事编数据论证的,想想「电视电影对年轻人行为有害,因年轻人会模仿暴力镜头做坏事蠢事,比如我的朋友Jason追了剧,想象自己也有超能力,然后跳楼摔死了」这种论述,是否算 appropriate explanations
Hint: 以上论述中 seriously inappropriate 地方最少5处
而AP语言Q3 Argument Question, explanations 依然要足够合理,但要求反而没托福独立写作高。Q3更在意考生在一年的备考期间,是否充实了知识,是否在考试的40分钟时限内,能旁征博引地给出对陌生(但不偏不怪)话题的具体论据
他们想必都没听过乔纳森名言:Those who can, create; those who can't, copy.
在此赠送想背诵的同行以下一段我随手写的2011 Q3爆难题示范段
Paine’s characterization that "nothing" could "engender riots and tumults" is also belied by present day realities. Look no further than how Black Lives Matter (BLM) has divided the country. In the wake of George Floyd’s death in May 2020, the country has been in a constant state of heightened racial tension. On one hand are BLM protestors and sympathizers convinced that America is systemically racist and in need of a racial awakening—hence the push for Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools and equity initiatives in the workforce. Not everyone is on board, however, with critics correctly highlighting that BLM and antifa protestors, however just their cause, have resorted to criminal damage as a matter of course. Acts of looting, rioting, and other misdemeanors under the guise of civil protest have long endangered the lives and businesses of law-abiding citizens. When a complicit mainstream media failed to even report these riots and tumults—headlined by one CNN presenter euphemistically calling them "mostly peaceful protest" despite buildings burning in the background—it is clear evidence that racial division is now an enabler of social unrest.
托福作文与gre issue写作作为两种不同的英语考试写作部分,有许多区别值得考生们注意。...
AP英语是美国大学先修课程(Advanced Placement)下设立的两门考试科目,分别是AP英语语言与写作(AP English Language and Composition)和AP英语文学与写作(AP English Literature...