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发布:留学说 时间:2025-02-10 20:07:01 点击:248







  This is the first week of my research in University.The prior task for me is to determine a topic that I would focus on. I choose to work on smart healthcare because my mother is a doctor. I hope my research can help me understand current situation and problems of medical care in the world. On Monday, I met my Professor N and other students in this program. I made a brief self-introduction, which everyone though good. On Tuesday, I joined the weekly group meeting to listen to other students’ idea and progresses. On that day, I talked with Professor N and told him about my idea. He totally supported it and gave me useful suggestions such as finding the connections between different systems in system. During the rest of this week, I had been working on searching cases and papers to refine my presentation. On weekends, I decided to have a rest, so I went to Harvard. I also visited Harvard Museum. Harvard is a great place. It is a university, but its contribution and impact has already been beyond a university.

  I hope I will make good progress on my research next week.


  The second week ends, which means I’ve done half of my research in University.

  Things have been getting easier. What I did in this week was just researching and writing. Finding useful information was hard. I specifically focus on evaluating information sharing in current medical system and whether smart city has a good effect on it. I searched information about Northern America, Asia, and Europe. I also analyzed some advanced technology in different countries. Now I have been started my paper, and I talked a lot with Professor N.


  This is a funny week. On July 4th, I went to watch the firework show. It was the first time for me. Back to my work. During this week, I spent most of the time to finish my paper. I firstly talked with Prof. N about my idea. I determined my title “Analysis of Information Sharing: How does it affect patient-hospital relationship”. I told N that I wrote this because of my mother’s work. I wanted to analyze the issue of this relationship in different countries. Although it seemed not relevant to system, it was actually essential to the goal of system--the harmony between human and the nature. If we wanted to stay well with the nature, we should first stay well with each other.I focused on how smart healthcare system can amend information sharing and improving patient-hospital relationship. It also involved other systems like energy system, traffic system, and safety system, etc. I have been keeping working on this paper and almost finish it.


  Of course I will continue my research at home. I finished my paper on Tuesday. I structures my paper as 5 parts, which are background, introduction to smart healthcare systems, intersections between different systems, case studies, and visions. I discussed with Prof. N about my abstract, which I will submit before August 1st. I think I’ve tried my best to finish my research. Although my idea is creative, it is hard. I cannot find many direct resources, so I have to search for its branches. I look for papers about electronic patient records, traffic systems, and energy supply, etc. Finally I finished my first draft. I do need more references and refinement. My work is recognized.







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专注:上海十大高考生专业高端留学中介机构排名 在线咨询