发布:新加坡留学申请 时间:2025-02-09 01:16:01 点击:708
如果你想去外企,那么英语能力是必须的,毕竟外企的岗位要求都是英文的。据权威调查显示,绝大多数外企对雅思考试成绩的认可度远远超出大学英语四六级成绩。当你获得了面试机会,你不仅要读懂英文题目,还要能够参与全英小组讨论,以及会做英文 presentation。如果没有雅思、托福成绩,英语能力弱,那么好的工作机会就会跟你失之交臂。
Spend your earned money immediately or save it for future?
Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
大家可以先讨论一下储蓄的必要性以及及时享乐的好处,然后可以采取it depends策略进行选择。比如你可以写是花钱及时享乐还是把钱存起来取决于赚到钱的具体数量。如果一个月赚到的钱比较少,存也存不了多少,那么可以选择花掉。而如果能赚到比较多的钱,就可以选择花掉一些,存起来一些等等。
My mom used to tell me: "You can only spend money once." What she meant is that if you spent money frivolously, you might really need it later and regret your earlier careless spending. After several years of managing a small amount of my own money, I have come to the conclusion that my mom was right, saving is better than spending. No one knows what tomorrow will bring, the only thing we can do is to try to be prepared. When disaster strikes, perhaps a sudden illness in the family, having money on hand can mean the difference between life and death. When opportunity knocks, a surprise acceptance to a top university for instance, money is needed for tuition, board, and books. This is not to say that one should not spend any money because they have to prepare for every possible contingency. It simply means that one should not spend recklessly without having a substantial amount of money to guard against an unpredictable future. The importance of saving money when young cannot be overstressed. This is because young people can tolerate higher-risk, higher return investments, and can let their investments mature longer, allowing interest on savings to compound. If invested well, $5,000 today could become $20,000 in 15 years. This concept is so powerful because the investor does not have to work for the money, the money works for the investor. Saving is not only a bulwark against an unpredictable future, it is also a way to generate future wealth. At last, while it is true that spending money can be enjoyable, it is not the only way to have fun. The idea that we must always be consuming things in order to have a good time is a lie told to us by advertisers. These companies tell us that only when we drive the right car, wear the right clothes, and drink the right beverages will we be truly happy. In reality, each person determines the standard of his/her own happiness. For my part, I have decided that creating things, writing, painting, making music, is what truly makes me happy. The amount of money I need to spend doing these things is almost nothing, but the happiness they bring me is immeasurable. I would prefer to save money for unavoidable expenses and enjoy life by being a producer, not a consumer.
课程简介:本阶段主要是提分阶段,帮助有一定的托福基础的学生进一步提高分数,教授以技巧为主。本阶段课程上完的学生可以直接参加托福考试并且可取得80 - 90分甚至更高的成绩。
课程简介: 每次6小时。备考冲刺2个月,**大量的题目训练和技巧点拨,至少能在原有基础上提升5-10分,根据学员需求进行定制化教学。
适合学员:具备托福实考60 成绩或者同等测试水平学员;
专注:兰州托福线上冲刺班推荐排名 在线咨询