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Share: Cooperative Learning

Working together on project teams and guided by trained teachers, students learn the skills of collaborating, managing emotions, and resolving conflicts in groups. Each member of the team is responsible for learning the subject matter as well ashelping teammates to learn. Cooperative learning develops social and emotional skills, providing a valuable foundation for their lives as workers, family members, and citizens.

Reality Check: In Eeva Reeder's tenth-grade geometry class at Mountlake Terrace High School, near Seattle, student teams design "schools of the future" while mentoring with local architects. They manage deadlines and resolve differences toproduce models, budgets, and reports far beyond what an individual student could accomplish.


learn the skills of collaborating, managing emotions, and resolving conflicts :


is responsible for :对xx负责

learning the subject matter :学习主题;

helping teammates to learn :帮助同伴学习

develops social and emotional skills :朋友社交和控制情绪技能

providing a valuable foundation for their lives as workers, family members, and citizens:


manage deadlines and resolve differences :


far beyond what an individual student could accomplish:远远超越单个学生所有能成就的;



Do youagree or disagree with the following statement: it is more effective forstudents to work in groupsthan by themselves.

Some people think that it is an important part of a child’seducation to go on a field trip (for example, museums) while other people thinka child’s time is better spent learning in a classroom at school. What is youropinion?


As the saying goes, ‘If the country does not invest the money on education, it will then have to use it on prison’. That is to say, education is a necessary part for not only families but society. Therefore, what is the more【most】 appropriate way to educate children became a hot topic. Some people advocate children should spend 【time】learning in the classroom, and others go for going on field trip like museums. As far as I am concerned, I value the latter.

First and foremost, learning through fieldtrip aids to improve comprehension of the knowledge. Children who learn through practical activities can get a better understanding about some definitions than the children infused by teacher【those who merely receive knowledge from teachers in a method of carmming】. Take myself for example, I am major【majored】 in programming in the university and I can hardly use the codes well only by listening to the teachers. Occasionally, I have a chance to work in an IT company for a month. During the practical work, I suddenly understand those complex codes and even discover the beauty of them just as the teacher said before. It is the same as the children education. only by exploring in person, can we understand the knowledge thoroughly.【注意时态问题】

Additionally, learning outside the classroom can broaden children's horizon. When children are exploring by themselves, they can gain more besides the knowledge on textbooks. For example, when children are led to the museum to see the dinosaur fossil, they will both complete the task, and【not only have a better understanding about dinosaurs, but also】 learn more about that era though the process by the way. Furthermore, children may find the charm inside the knowledge during exploring, which is a good way to cultivate children's interest of science.

Admittedly, some people may say going on a field trip is a waste of time, for children may distract【be distracted】from their school study. Let's look at from another angle, things will be quite opposite. According to a survey, children who learn in the classroom for a long time will easily get bored and anxious. And this emotion will have a bad impact on their performance. However, learning through practical activities can kill two birds with one stone--gain knowledge and relief【relieve】their anxiety in the meantime.

To sum up, considering both performance and emotion of the children, I firmly advocate that it is an important part of a child’s education to go on field trip.

1. 文章观点明确,结构完整。

2. 文章结构完整清晰,主题部分是两个平行的分论点加上一个让不段,论证围绕论点进行了详细的展开。

3. 注意基础性语法错误和复杂句表意清晰度。详见批注。

4. 学生的语言运用能力和表达能力一般,能够使用一些复杂句式,句子表意也都比较清晰。平常还有积累高分的词汇和句式并运用到自己的写作当中去。加油。



★ 机考模拟中心


★ 雅思个性定制辅导






Witch of the West wasn't the only one who had a thing for Dorothy's shoes.


In 2005, someone swiped one of the original pairs of ruby slippers worn by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz from a Minnesota museum. The pricey shoes—with an estimated value of somewhere between $660,000 and $1 million—have yet to be recovered, though it's doubtful anyone could get away with wearing them without attracting attention. (Unless of course she planned to debut the stolen shoes at Wicked.)

在2005年,有人从明尼苏达博物馆偷窃了一双由Judy Garland 在绿野仙踪中穿着的原版红宝石鞋。这双昂贵的鞋子——估价高达$66万到$100万美金——最终被追回,虽然估计没人能够大摇大摆的穿着它而不被注意。(除非她是计划在坏女巫那里登场。)


朗阁教育(Longre)于1999年正式筹建,总部位于上海,在中国30个城市设有100多所校区,并在欧洲设有分校。目前朗阁教育主要涉及以下业务,国内语言提升包含:剑桥少儿、剑桥英语通用五级、初高中英语能力提升、大学四六级、考研英语、欧亚小语种培训;海外国际升学包含:出国考试培训、国际教育课程辅导、课外活动及背景提升、国际学校择校、国际学校入学备考及海外国际升学服务,并拥有专业在线教育网站。 自创立以来,朗阁教育逐渐发展成为具备先进国际化教育理念、广受家长学生赞誉的国际教育品牌。我们关注自主 学习能力,帮助学员形成良好的学习习惯和学习方法,全面挖掘学员自我潜力;我们重视人格素质修养,培养学员全球视野下的*人格和性格力量;我们更秉诚正向价值观,注重向学员传递“提升自我,提升他人,提升社会价值”的理念,激励学员在今后的学习生活中勇于探索,塑造正向社会价值观。

专注:福州托福考试一对一培训学校 在线咨询