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PART 1 — 重要性?并列和顺接个印入我们眼帘的就是and。这个词语我们在刚接触到英语的时候我们就认识了。and主要是表并列和顺接关系。这个词语广泛用于各种英语的句子中。如:并列:... However, after the axe had been chipped into shape, they needed water and sand for grinding and polishing ...(剑6 Test3 Section4后面缩写为:6-3-4)顺接:... You pay a £250 joining fee and then it''s £450 ... (6-1-1)两个意思之间的连接必须用and;句子之间的顺接也可以用and;某些表示条件、结果甚至是某些因果都可以用and。
?同义互换雅思最重要的一个现象就是同意互换(paraphrase), 尤其在听力过程中,为了增加难度许多词语并不会出现原词。那么我们来看看and会如何做同意互换呢。1. It is possible to hire _______ and _______.Audio scripts: And you can hire laptops ... as well as printers ... (6-1-3)2. Cardboard, coloured pens and a _______.Audio scripts: ... and coloured each one in using different colours, then you thread a piece of string ... So we''d need some string as well. (4-4-3)当然and还可以转换为together with, not only ... but also ...等等,但是无论怎么互换最后换到的词语都比and复杂,这个实际上变相的降低了听力的难度,因此在许多情况下,当试卷上出现and时,在听力中并不会做互换。换句话说,如果在试卷上看到了and, 并且要填写的答案在and周围的话,我们就可以刻意去听and,这样答案也就出来了。
E.G.: Float dropped into ocean and _______by satellite.Audio scripts: Each of the floats is dropped in the ocean ... and activated from a satellite. (7-3-3)通过这个题目我们可以注意到,我们在填对这个答案的时候几乎都可以不用知道float, satellite甚至是答案activated的意思,只需要将and后面的动词写下来就可以了。这个大大增加了and这个词语的重要性。E.G.: Swimming aids: fins and ______.Audio scripts: ... sharks are very quick swimmers. This is made possible by their fins, one set at the side ..., and the tail also help the shark move forward quickly. (4-4-4)我们发现在fins的后面加了一句解释的话,在听力过程中往往会导致听漏,但是后面出现的and就是非常好的而定位点。
PART 2 — 两大难点?语音难点那么既然and这么重要,在我们听力中会有什么问题呢?首先,雅思培训中心提醒考生们要注意,and这个词语本身并不是说话的重点,因此在说话的过程中,这个词语并不会完全读成/ænd/而会弱化成/∂nd/;其次,由于and是爆破音/d/结尾,当后面的单词由辅音开头的时候还会继续爆破,此时and仅仅读作/∂n/;再次and是元音开头,若前面一个单词是辅音结尾,还会产生连读,更加增加了这个词被听出来的情况。E.G.: Highlights: music and ______.Audio scripts: ... but the best part is the music and lighting. (4-3-2)这边的and弱化了,但是还是能听出在music后面有一个/∂n/。
E.G.: ... because it had water, raw materials and fuels such as ______ and ______.Audio scripts: The water and the availability of raw materials ... and also the abundance of local fuels, like coal and firewood, ... (4-1-2)此题可以通过fuels来定位,同时like和such as做同义词互换,也就是正确答案就是后面的并列关系的名词,但是此题的难点就是coal and firewood被读作/k∂ul∂n fаi∂wud/, 这样就导致无法听出正确答案了。
?速记难点当and连接的2个词语都要写出来的时候,不仅语音上面有难度,在速记上的要求也提高了。E.G.: Site One: Problems with _______ and _______.Audio scripts: Site One was unpopular because of traffic and parking problems. (4-3-4)New technology allowed the production of goods made of ______ and ______.Audio scripts: The technology they introduced meant that metal and leather goods were produced there for the first time. (6-1-4)这两个例子都能看出来通过and定位很容易能找到答案,但是需要写的两个词语出现比较快,而且由于and的弱化,以及句子中的倒置,更加增加了填写的难度。
PART 3 — 注意事项虽然and本身读音为/ænd/, 在句子中弱化的读音却是/∂n/不会由于爆破而读成/æn/, 因此我们在听力过程中不要听错。E.G. Video Presentation: Go to _______Audio script: ... Now, after the break we''ll be moving a different location for a video presentation ... and there you will be shown a video ... called Safety at Work.此题的答案是Safety at Work这个地方读作/seifti æ w∂:k/。这边的答案一定要注意不是safety and work/seifti ∂n w∂:k/, 虽然两个读音极像。


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一、Prediction 提前读题对于哪一类题型都是至关重要的。对于后两个section的填空题,提前读题会起到战略指导作用,所谓预测,在这里就是指关注空前后的词,判断所填空的词性及含义。
E.g. 剑八test2The benefit of this research is that the result is more ____ than searching for live Asian bees.此处空前是比较级,所以空处一定是填形容词。
E.g. They collect the pellets and take them to a ____ for analysis.此处空前有冠词,所以填的一定是个名词;同时通过句义理解,得知”收集到小球带到…去研究”,所以即使没听到也应该会猜到是laboratory.
E.g.Transcripts: Within this general field, surveying changes in the volume and stability of the ice-cap is vital, these may have profound effects on world sea levels and ocean currents.Question: Measuring changes in the ice-cap (because of effects on sea levels and ______)
E.g Questions:  Operating video camera.  Working with other people:  --learning about  --______  --compromising  --______ people who have different viewsTranscript: Firstly, learned how to use a camera. And also I think I really learned a lot about working together with other people. I’ve never done anything with a group before, and we had to find ways of cooperating and compromising, and sometimes persuading people. 本题属并列结构,雅思的并列结构中答案与题目形式趋同,因此预测25 & 26为动名词-v+ing.通过完全匹配的关键词camera & working together逐步定位,随后针对性的听取动名词cooperating & persuading.
二、抓关键词 每道填空题中都会出现可以用来定位重要信息的词,即关键词。如果在做题之前能够适时将这样的词划出来并加以理解,那么在做题过程中就会省力许多,而且大大提升正确率。常用关键词主要有名词,动词,形容词和副词。
E.g. However, women are more prepared to ______ about them. 这里出现了比较级,所以应该把more prepared to划出来,而在听力原稿中,被替换成了more willing to.
E.g. When investing in stocks and shares, it is suggested that women should put a high proportions of their savings in ______.a high proportions of 在此被替换成了70%.
E.g. Research… has involved scientists from many countries, who work together on research station. Here science and technical support have been integrated…scientists from many countries, who work together是前行的内容,帮助提前定位;当听到science即预判可能为答案;在听到technical support have been integrated之后,确认science为正确答案。 此外还要注意并列结构,并列结构是很好的提示,告诉我们空缺的内容是什么词性。
E.g. Within this general field, surveying changes in the volume and stability of the ice-cap is vital, these may have profound effects on world sea levels and ocean currents. 本题属对称结构,and前后不但词性相同,往往内容形式也相同,因此预测答案很可能为环境方面的一个复数名词。
E.g. Good afternoon everybody and welcome to Riverside Industrial Village…. The water and the availability of raw materials in the area, like minerals and iron ore, and also the abundance of local fuels, like coal and firewood, all made this site suitable for industry from a very early time. 通过完全匹配的名词Riverside Village, water, raw materials & fuels来逐步定位,有针对性的听取答案为两种燃料:coal & firewood.
E.g. Current issues of periodicals are available at both libraries, although ______ issues are only available at Fordham.Student: You haven’t mentioned periodicals. Are they held at both sites? Librarian: Current issues, yes but if you want to look at back issues you’ll need to use the CD-ROM databases which are held here at Fordham.
三、Paraphrase 同义置换是雅思听力考试的灵魂,对于填空题也是如此,这里尤其要注意空前词语的同义置换。填空题常考的同义置换主要有以下几类:
☆同义词或近义词contribute to= cause, breed, trigger, create, lead to, result in, account for, give rise to, etc. disadvantage= weakness, deficiency, drawback, shortcoming, flaw, defect, negative aspect, etc.decrease= fall, drop, abate, plunge, plunge, diminish, minimize, descend, etc.inadequate= insufficient, deficient, deficient, lack of, short of, etc.significant= crucial, enormous, dramatic, tremendous, remarkable, substantial, etc.circumstance= surroundings, environment, environment, background, settings, contextfocus on= concentrate on, be engrossed in, lay emphasis on, highlight, spotlightlike= resemble, alike, identical, twin, similarimportant= essential, critical, indispensable, crucial, key, chief, significant
☆逻辑关系与句式E.g.Transcripts: At that time, local craftsmen first built an iron forge just behind the village here.Question:The metal industry was established at Riverside Village by ______. 此句中出现了主被动句的互换。Speaker的表述是主动,而卷面上的题目是被动。也就是说,卷面上出现了被动语态,考生一定要留心主动语态的出现,也就意味着宾语与主语可能位置倒置,一定要留心一开头出现的主语。
Eg. Transcripts: The Antarctica is 10 times the size of UK.Question: More than ______ times as big as the UK.听力原文中,more than被替换成了over, 而后置关键词as big as the UK被替换成了the size of the UK.


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