发布:意大利留学 时间:2025-03-13 16:08 点击:797
五选二和七选三是多选题常见的两种形式。选项繁多无疑是同学们的障碍,但是多选题的难度不仅仅局限于此。在雅思官方指南中多选题无论是正确选项还是干扰选项都会在录音中被提及。这样的特点让考生无法轻易地只根据听到的内容进行简单的勾选,而是要排除错误选项。我们来看OG Test2 Section2的多选题体会一下。下文例子中A-E均在原文中出现(已用黑体字标出),这两道题并未出现太多的同义替换,总体难度不大,但是稍不注意就会掉进事先设置好的陷阱,所以同学们在做题时千万不能掉以轻心。
Question 21 and 22
Choose Two letters, A-E
Which Two subjects did Martina like best before going to university
A Art
B English
C French
D History
E Science
Martina: Well it’s great-apart from the studying of course.
George: Yeah-me too! What are you doing I seem to remember that you were going to do Art. That was your best subject, wasn’t it
Martina: No- not really- I just liked the teacher. He was French and had an amazing accent. My favorite subject was History. But I couldn’t see what career that would give me.
George: Ah. Right. So what did you choose
Martina: Well I found it really difficult to decide. I was really good at Science but I must admit I never really enjoyed studying it. So, in the end I decide to opt for English which was my second favorite subject and I thought it would be more useful to me than studying anything else. So-that’s what I’m doing. Um-how are you finding university
改写性,顾名思义就是我们经常提到的同义替换,即答案通常不会使用选项的原词,而往往会进行同义替换。这也是难度较大的多选题惯用的伎俩。在OG Test6 Section4中这种特点体现得淋漓尽致。该题的正确选项为C和E。C选项中的form relationship等同于developing friendships and professional networks。选项把friendship和network概括成relationship。这也体现了多选题的另一个特点,正确选项的概括性。答案信息的提供,往往是对原文信息进行加工处理,通常以言简意赅的语言体现出来。这就需要同学们具备一定的概括能力。再例如E选项也同样体现了这样的出题规律。文中的两句话被缩减成一句简短的话,reliably是对this information comes from access more trustworthy than local media的概括,而current affairs则是对latest news-to be up-to-date with local and global events的高度浓缩。这样的例子在剑桥真题1-9中比比皆是。
Question 35 and 36
Choose Two letters, A- E
Which does the speaker believe are TWO real benefits of online social networking
A people can gain higher self-esteem
B people can access useful medical information
C people can form relationships more quickly
D people can improve academic performance
E people can be reliably informed about current affairs
Let’s start with the benefits. Without question, online social networking allows us to pass on the latest news-to be up-to-date with local and global events-and for many, this information comes from source more trustworthy than local media. So, this is one clear point in favor of online social networking. I know that is also being used by students-as a means of increasing their chances of success- in the way that lecture notes can be shared and ideas discussed, I think, personally speaking, that we need some further research before we can definitely say whether it helps or not. There’s also been a great increase in the number of networking sites devoted to sharing advice on health issues but there are as yet no studies to prove the reliability of that advice, Now, what we do have clear evidence for is that people are developing friendships and professional networks in a way that wasn’t possible before-that process is faster.
上海朗阁培训中心的专家认为首当其冲的应该是关注题干的限定信息。例如上文的例子Which Two subject did Martina like best before going to university(黑体字既是限定信息),对正确答案进行了范围的缩小,如果审题时没有关注到这个信息,做题时势必云里雾里。尽管文中对话的中心是围绕女生所选的专业,但是专业的信息并不是这题的答案。同学们很容易因此而受干扰。在听题时一定要牢记题目所需信息,不能因为信息一多而自乱阵脚。这是审题的关键之处。
选项的解读也是至关重要的,在烦乱的信息中,我们要求同存异。即我们的审题重点是合并类似的选项,并且重点关注选项间相异的部分,因为出题点往往会落在相异的部分。如OG Test6 Section4中的多选题。选项A和C的都出现了Social这个单词,但是所搭配的内容是不一样的。这就需要我们在听录音时仔细区别skills和circle, 将其划出来。而答案句往往隐藏在相似的选项当中。一个词概括就是求同存异。
Question 39 and 40
Choose Two letters A-E
Which Two claims are made by Robin Dunbar about social networking sites
A They are not helpful for developing certain social skills
B They cannot fully reveal a person’s real character
C They are not a good starting point for building new relationships
D They do not encourage people to widen their social circle
E They will not retain their popularity with the young generation
审题 (1)题干——划出限定信息。
听题 (1)通过限定信息判断每个选项是否符合题意。
专注:西安国际港务区专业雅思培训班 在线咨询